Eastwood HOA

Eastwood Homeowners Association By Laws


Article I Name
1.1. The name of this association shall be the Eastwood Homeowners Association, Inc. (herein the ??gAssociation??h)

Article II Purposes
2.1. The purposes of the Association shall be to preserve, protect, and advance the interests of the neighborhood in which its members reside, to disseminate information of interest to the members, and to promote fellowship among its members.
2.2. This Association shall be operated for non-profit purposes. It shall be non-partisan.

Article III The Neighborhood:
3.1. The neighborhood which the Association covers (herein the ??gNeighborhood??h) is that property bounded by Easton Road on the east and Peavy Road on the west, and all lots on both sides of Lake Gardens Drive on the south and Lake Highland Drive on the north, including all platted lots with an address (four addresses only) on Lake Highlands Drive and excluding all property with an address on Easton Place. The Neighborhood includes:
??œ all residences in the 10400 block of Coleridge Street,
??œ all residences on Creekmere Circle,
??œ all residences in the 10000 block through the 10400 block of Creekmere Drive,
??œ all residences on Forestgrove Drive,
??œ all residences on Gateway Drive,
??œ all residences in the 10000 block through the 10400 block of Lake Gardens Drive,
??œ the residences of 10126, 10136, 10210 and 10220 Lake Highlands Drive,
??œ all residences in the 10300 block through the 10400 block of Lippitt Avenue,
??œ all residences on the east side of Peavy Road between Creekmere and Lake Gardens,
??œ all residences on Overglen Drive,
??œ all residences in the 10300 block and 10400 block of Silverock Drive,
??œ all residences in the 10400 block of Sinclair Street,
??œ all residences on Sylvania Drive,
??œ all residences on North and South Rustic Circle, and
??œ all residences in the 10200 block through the 10400 block of Vinemont Street.
3.2. The term ??gResidence??h shall refer to each home located on a platted lot within the Neighborhood.

Article IV Membership in the Association
4.1. ??gMember Residence??h shall mean a Residence with respect to which the initial fee or the annual dues have been paid for the current Fiscal Year.
4.2. ??gMember??h shall be a person who is a record owner of a Member Residence or one who is an adult living with the record owner in a Member Residence, or one who is a renter of a Member Residence or an adult living with a renter of a Member Residence. All Members who are owners of a Member Residence or adults living with a record owner in a Member Residence shall be eligible to vote at any meeting of the Association on any matters requiring a vote of the Members of the Association and are referred to herein as ??gVoting Members??h; provided that, there can be no more than two (2) votes casts by Voting Members per Member Residence. If more than two adults are residing in a Member Residence, then they must determine among themselves who will be allowed to cast the two votes with respect to the Member Residence.
4.3. Members who live in a Member Residence who are leasing or renting the Member Residence, or who are adults living in the Member Residence with a person who is renting or leasing the Member Residence are not eligible to vote and may not be officers of the Association or members of the Board, but may participate in committees of the Association and in all other activities of the Association.

Article V Fees and Dues
5.1. An initial fee of $25 must be paid with respect to a Residence for it to be a Member Residence. Once the initial membership fee is paid, the Residence shall be a Member Residence until the end of the Fiscal Year with respect to which the initial membership fee is paid. Thereafter, an annual membership fee must be paid with respect to such Residence for subsequent Fiscal Years for it to remain a Member Residence. The amount of the annual fee to be paid each Fiscal Year after the year with respect to which the initial fee is paid shall be determined by the Board of Directors.
5.2. If a Member Residence is transferred to a new record owner, a new initial membership fee will be required to be paid with respect to such Residence in order for it to be a Member Residence.
5.3. The Fiscal Year of the Association shall be from April 1 to March 31.

Article VI Officers and their Election
6.1. The officers of the Association shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. The term for each office shall be January 1 to December 31.
6.2. The Board of Directors, shall prepare a slate of officers to be voted on at the Fall General Meeting, provided that, the most recent president shall serve as parliamentarian.
6.3. All Officers and members of the Board of Directors must be Voting Members.
6.4. A Voting Member may nominate another Voting Member for an office from the floor at the general meeting except for the office of parliamentarian which shall be the immediate past president and provided that the nominator must have received the nominee??fs prior approval before making the nomination.
6.5. The nominees receiving the largest number of votes for such office at the general meeting shall be elected.
6.6. A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a Voting Member appointed by the President and approved by a majority vote of the Board except that the Vice-President shall become President if the presidency becomes vacant.
6.7. A President who resigns during the term of office does not become the parliamentarian. For that situation, the existing parliamentarian shall remain in office.
6.8. If a parliamentarian resigns or is unable to serve, the Board may appoint a new parliamentarian by majority vote.

Article VII Committees
7.1. The standing committees of the Association shall be Creek Maintenance & Street Improvements, Crime Watch, Directory, Block Captains, Riparian, New Neighbor, Newsletter, Social, Playground, Membership and such others as established by the Board from time to time.
7.2. The officers shall appoint the chairs of the standing committees.
7.3. The Board may also establish additional committees not designated as standing committees to perform such tasks as the Board may determine from time to time.

Article VIII Duties of the Board of Directors
8.1. The Board of Directors (the ??gBoard??h) shall consist of the officers of the Association and the chairs of the standing committees as well as the leader of the Volunteers in Patrol for the crime watch area in which the Neighborhood is located. The Board shall meet monthly to transact the necessary business of the Association unless the Board determines that a meeting is not necessary in any given month.

8.2. Each member of the Board in attendance at a meeting shall have one vote and all matters shall be deemed approved by the Board which receive fifty-one percent (51%) or more of the votes of Board Members present and voting at a meeting of the Board at which at least forty percent (40%) of the Board Members are present.
8.3. The Board may take any action in the absence of a meeting which it could take at a meeting by obtaining the approval of all of the Members of the Board either in writing or by email.
8.4. The duties of the officers and committee chairmen are as follows:
A. President
1. Shall preside at the Board meetings and general meetings of the Association, and shall be a member, ex-officio, of all committees.
2. Shall perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
3. Shall be authorized to sign checks in the absence of the Treasurer, and co-sign checks over $350.
4. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
B. Vice-President
1. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President.
2. Shall prepare a proposed list of candidates for offices to present to the Board prior to the Fall General Meeting.
3. Shall perform all other duties usually pertaining to the office.
4. Shall be authorized to co-sign checks over $350.
5. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
C. Secretary
1. Shall keep the minutes of the general meetings of the Members and the Board of Directors.
2. In conjunction with the members of the Board, the Secretary shall handle all correspondence of the Association and keep records other than financial records for the Association.
3. Shall be authorized to co-sign checks over $350.

4. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
D. Treasurer
1. Shall be responsible for the receipt, safekeeping and disbursement of the funds of the Association and maintaining the financial records of the Association.
2. Shall maintain a list of the members of the Association who have paid dues for the current year.
3. Shall assist the President in the preparation of the budget, and make a recommendation to the Board of Directors regarding the annual dues.
4. Shall be authorized to sign checks under $350 without a co-signer and all checks over $350, if they are co-signed by the President, Vice President, or Secretary.
5. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
E. Parliamentarian
1. As past-president, shall act as an advisor to the President.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
F. Creek Maintenance & Street Improvements
1. Shall generally be responsible for monitoring and reporting on the condition of streets, alley ways, channels, and water ways in the Neighborhood.
2. Shall perform such other duties and functions as the Board may from time to time direct.
G. Crime Watch
1. Shall be responsible for coordinating between the Association and the Dallas Police Department and communicating information to the Board and the Association concerning crime and safety issues in the Neighborhood.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time to time direct.

H. Directory
1. Shall be responsible for gathering information necessary for updating the directory and overseeing the publication of a new directory, as directed by the Board.
I. Block Captains
1. Shall be responsible for recruiting and overseeing Block Captains in the performance of the duties requested by the Board.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
J. Playground
1. Shall be responsible for overseeing the playground, including issues related to the use, maintenance and operation of the playground.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
K. Riparian
1. Shall monitor and oversee the greenbelt and the waterways located within the greenbelt located in the Neighborhood and shall deal with erosion control, beautification and environmental issues related to the greenbelt.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.
L. New Neighbor
1. Shall be responsible for welcoming newcomers to the Neighborhood and providing information to them about the Association.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time to time direct.
M. Newsletter
1. Shall be in charge of editing and printing a newsletter to be published as often as the Board of Directors shall request.
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.

N. Social
1. Shall be responsible for arranging for refreshments for the Spring and Fall general meeting and organizing various other social functions during the course of the year as approved by the Board
2. Shall perform such other duties and responsibilities as the Board may from time-to-time direct.

Article IX Association Meetings
9.1. Regular general meetings of the Association will be held in the Spring and Fall of the year, on dates designated by the Board. The election of officers will be held at the Fall meeting. Voting Members in attendance at a general meeting or a special meeting of the Association from at least twenty percent (20%) of the Member Residences shall constitute a quorum.
9.2. Officers shall be elected at the Fall general meeting to serve during the calendar year beginning the next January 1 after the meeting at which they are elected.
9.3. Except for amendments to the By-laws, any resolution presented to the Association at a general meeting or special meeting at which a quorum is present shall be approved if it receives votes approving it from 51% of the Voting Members who are present at the general meeting or special meeting. All votes must be cast in person at the meeting and voting by proxy will not be allowed.
9.4. The Board of Directors or the President may call special meetings of the Association with adequate notification given to the members. Also, a special meeting of the Association shall be called if one is requested by Voting Members from at least twenty percent (20%) of the Member Residences.

Article X Miscellaneous
10.1. The Association shall not do any act which shall constitute a basis for denial of tax exemptions under applicable laws.
10.2. In the event of the dissolution, liquidation, or winding up of the Association, whether voluntary or involuntary, the Association??fs assets shall be distributed to the Dallas Homeowners League or a similar 501C-4 organization.
10.3. An officer or Board member and/or committee member shall be entitled to reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred in connection with Association affairs.
10.4. An officer may resign by giving notice in writing to the President or the Secretary.
10.5. No person shall remain on the Board as an officer for more than five consecutive years or serve in the same elected position for more than two consecutive years

10.6. Any non-budgeted expenditures must have the prior approval of the Board of Directors. The President may approve expenditures of up to $100 without prior Board approval.

Article XI Amendments
11.1. These Amended and Restated Bylaws shall be effective upon ratification by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Members who are present and voting at a meeting of the Association at which a quorum is present, and shall supersede any previous bylaws.
11.2. Amendments to these Bylaws may be adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Voting Members present and voting at a regular meeting of the Association at which a quorum is present.

Posted by planread on 05/03/2009
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