·N&H to send out dues notice to each homeowner/lot owner and collect dues for increases approved at annual meeting. ($172.92/lot) ($100 + 7/12 x $125) for CY 2006 (Due date July 24th)
The annual homeowner’s dues for 2006 are: (changed at annual meeting on April 23, 2006)
· $ 557.92/lot for Governor’s Creek lots - $385 already billed unbilled balance is $172.92/lot.
· $ 432.92/lot for all lots other than Governor’s Creek - $260 already billed; unbilled balance is
$ 172.92/lot.
The procedures outlined below were established for the collection of dues.
·June 9th: Mail original invoice with due date of 45 days (July 24, 2006).
·July 25th: Mail 2nd invoice to any homeowner that has not paid with late fee of $25.00.
·August 7: Mail 3rd invoice to any homeowner that has not paid. Invoice will show interest for month of July, late fee and a statement that the unpaid invoice will be filed with the magistrate seeking a judgment against their property on September 7, 2006.
·September 7th: Mail invoice with interest for the month of August plus late fee, prior month’s interest and the magistrate filling fee.
·October 1st: Interest for September will be added to any uncollected invoices.
·November 1st: Interest for October will be added to any uncollected invoices.
·December 1st: Interest for November will be added to any uncollected invoices.
·January 1st: Interest for December will be added to any uncollected invoices.
·Repeat process until invoice paid.
Checks are to be made payable to the Eddisto Plantation Homeowners Association and mail to:
Eddisto Plantation Homeowners Association
Post Office Box 1184
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29116-1184
Eddisto Plantation Homeowners Association
396 St. Paul Street, Suite 200
Orangeburg, South Carolina 29115
If you have any questions regarding dues, please contact Denise Holley with N&H Enterprises at 803-536-1056 or contact any board member.