We had a low attendance but we sure got excited about a couple things. really can't tell you all about it but I'm going to try to have a block captains meeting in about 2 weeks. I do want to tell you that we are going to have a neighborhood garage sales and each person that has it will do so at their residence and then we will work up the advertising, and some kind of map for people and the church will try to have a bounces house with drinks and maybe cookies for refreshmens!! we will take 10 percent of their profit for their coverage of the advertising etc.
Had Officer Anderson there with his dog and it was really interesting and cute!!, Missed you all but it was really yucky out. I have some real loyal block captains but would really love to have better block captains attending especially for the nice weather we will be getting soon!!,
next watch meeting is March 27!
I will post when I want to have the block captain meeting. Thanks