Financial Membership: These are individuals who qualify as members of ECO and have paid the annual membership fee.
All financial members are afforded the right to vote at all elections and general meetings or caucuses. Only financial members qualify to hold an elected position.
Non Financial Membership: These individuals who qualify as general members of ECO, but have not paid the annual membership fee. They can not hold office; cast a ballot vote for candidates seeking an office or vote on issues brought before the general membership meetings or caucuses of ECO, but can bring issues to the general meetings.
Membership Fees: An individual annual membership fee is $10.00 and a family fee is $20.00. The family membership is to include the member his or her spouse, fianc?© or significant
other, who legally resides as a resident at the address within the boundaries. Senior members of ECO will be assessed a fee of $7.00 to become or renew their membership.
These are the rules set forth in the Edgewood Civic Organization Constitution & Bylaws by the Executive Board and Non Board members brought to the general members at February 2007 meeting for final approval.
Currently there are approximately 20 financial members. The membership fees cover various costs associated with ECO through out the year like, photocopies, postage, website upkeep, yard sale advertisement, filing with various state and federal government etc.
The current financial members are the only residents of ECO who can run for an elected position with ECO, and are also the only residents who can vote for anyone who is running for an elected position.
The end of the year is fast approaching and this means election time. We will need to form two committees. One will need to be a nominating committee and the other is an auditing committee.
If you are interested in running for a particular position you must be a current financial member.
Along with 2008 elections for officers, we will also start our campaign for 2008 dues beginning November 1, 2007. Everyone living within
the boundaries are members.