Elk Horn Acres


Posted in: Columbine West
I would like to get comments (good or Bad) to the website and newsletter articles. These are your communications tools to voice your opinions and suggestions. Last board meeting revealed some dissatisfied neighbors on newsletter/website content. Let's hear from you in this forum.
Norm Fox
Website Coordinator
Newsletter editor
leaving opinions and suggestions

I left several on the items I brought up to read. If you would like to discuss it with me, call me at 303-948-0463. My husband and myself discuss issues all the time, including that I just got a newsletter for the first time in 9 months. I don't know who is getting them but it is not myself or my neighbors.
Newsletter Comments

I appreciate getting the newsletter, but it saddens me to read how negative some of the letters and editorials are. We moved here 4 years ago from a better ''kept'' neighborhood with nice yards and not an RV in sight, but while I like a well-kept lawn as much as anyone, I would trade that any day for the great people in this neighborhood.

We have had neighbors surprise us with dinner, pass on clothes and bikes and books to our kids, invite us for block parties and camping trips, and wrestle our kids into their car to get them to school. What a relief to go out for the evening and be able to leave the names of five different families on the block that we know will help our kids if there's trouble while we're gone! I can't say enough about how much our lives have been improved by the people around us. So what if they have weeds or park a trailer by their house? The quality of the people is much more important to me than the quality of their landscaping.

Regarding the open space issue--hearing the coyotes down there howling in the night is one of my favorite things about the neighborhood. I love having that space for animals to roam and kids to play. I haven't seen the kind of ''trouble'' it's rumored to bring--and I dare say that kids could probably cause just as much trouble in well-kept park at night.

The diversity of the neighborhood was one of things that attracted us to the area. We liked the fact that there are apartments and townhomes here, along with many different styles of single-family homes. I like that not everyone's house is beige or grey and that we avoid the type of monotony seen in many other neighborhoods. We would not have moved here if there had been a restrictive covenant in place.

If I were to make any changes, it would be to focus on things that help build the community--neighborhood barbecues, a walking club, things that help people get connected. But overall, I appreciate Columbine West and the work people have done in making it as nice as it is. It's hard to see so much negativity printed about a neighborhood I truly enjoy.
Here here!

Anonymous.... you hit the nail on the head. I would much rather talk with my neighbor than ''snitch'' em out with a covenant violation report.

I just got the latest installment in ''How the Hood crumbles.'' I read that the CWCA is planning to hire a private investigator to ''sniff out'' unauthorized businesses and we can only have five people for three minutes each approach the throne of the CWCA board.

Here is an idea for the board, instead of taking the time to walk by the gazebo and spending a few minutes getting to know the kids of the neighborhood or knocking on the neighbors door to see if everything is ok if they haven't mowed the lawn in a month. Sending them a nasty-gram to cut the grass, posted a no loitering sign. Let make everyone feel unwelcome.

Yeap, I would say that Anonymous gets it right. Maybe someday the CWCA Board will consider the lack of membership could be directly collated to the negativity of the monthly news letter.

By Anonymous II
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