Elliot Park Neighborhood, House of Charity and Catholic Charities -- Branch III came together in the spring of 2001 to start the Computer Collaborative. Partially funded by Neighborhood Revitalization Plan (NRP) funds, the partnering organizations, corporate and private donors, the Computer Collaborative’s goal is to provide basic computer and job skills training as well as job search and retention services to the public.
House of Charity and Catholic Charities offer complimentary services to the public.
House of Charity’s Computer Learning Center is a place where people of all backgrounds and all levels of education can receive basic computer training. IBM partnered with them in this program, changing the resources from three computers in a closet to a remodeled and expanded facility that has 15 networked computers and an average of 100 students taking classes per month.
The Computer Learning Center's days of operation for the Spring of 2002 are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. New classes start every other week. You can enroll in the Computer Learning Center by calling (612) 664-1444
Catholic Charities—Branch III’s Employment Services Program is “to promote hope, dignity, and respect through empowered relationships that build the capacity of individuals to achieve self-sufficiency.” They achieve this vision through the three components of the Employment Services Program: the Employment Resource Center, the Job Readiness Program, and Retention Support Services.
The Employment Resource Center's goal is to provide resources to assist with all areas of job search.
The Job Readiness Program's goal is to increase the capacity of individuals to reach their employment and training goals.
Retention Support Services' goal is to assist the newly hired to retain their employment.
You can call Jim Durdle for more information at (612) 278-1150
The Computer Collaborative came together under the neighborhood's vision to share and streamline its resources. Housing various institutions, organizations, businesses, and residences, Elliot Park offers a multitude of resources and opportunities for employment. If you are a local business and you are looking for employee training or recruitment, or you are a service organization, business, or institution looking to participate in the Computer Collaborative, please contact Elliot Park Neighborhood, Inc. Please follow the links below, one to e-mail Elliot Park Neighborhood, and the others to contact the partnering organizations.
Email us
House of Charity
Catholic Charities