Elvira Neighborhood Association Meeting 03/16/15
Approved Minutes
Officers Present: Dave Densmore, President
Oscar Tortosa, Vice President, Councilperson
Tere Filkin, Secretary, Councilperson
Mikki Niemi, Interim Treasurer
Yolanda Martinez, Historian
Abel Salcido, Sgt at Arms, Councilperson
Guest Speakers: none scheduled this month
Call to Order: President David Densmore called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
Moment of Silence
Introductions were made around the room
TPD Report: Sgt Joe Merrill, Officer Badilla & Officer Leon were present. Crime stats are low for our area. They talked about the recent report concerning stolen motor vehicles and stated that the overall numbers are low.
Minutes: A motion to accept the Feb 2015 minutes as written was made by Oscar Tortosa and seconded by Rachel Tortosa; it was then approved by all present. Mikki Niemi did have an objection that he doesn't think his objections are being recorded in the minutes.
Treasurers Report: Treasurer Mikki Niemi reported balance is $1478.96. Motion to accept the treasurer's report was made by Oscar Tortosa, and seconded by Sam Valdovin. Motion was passed by all present. The yearly audit was also done by Sam Valdovin and Abel Salcido. Reports presented as books are in order. Motion to accept made by Oscar Tortosa and seconded by Rachel Tortosa, approved by all present.
New Business: No new business
Old Business:
Night Out Against Crime- The church has agreed to let us use their facilities on the first Tuesday in August for our event.
By-Laws -Mikki Niemi made a point of order that he should be allowed to read the by-laws since he believed he was the Chairman of the By-laws committee. Dave stated the by-laws were going to be done correctly by the By-laws and referred him to page 7 of the current by-laws. Dave also stated they were previously done incorrectly by the old neighborhood and the By-laws committee was disbanded over a year ago when Mikki stated he lost the records that committee had been working on. The By-laws were amended by the current Council and approved by 100% of the Council at a Council meeting on March 6, 2015.
Charter-Dave read the changes to the Charter section which was then approved by all present. Mikki objected at first, but then agreed once he realized voting was just on the Charter section.
By-Laws-Dave read the changes to the By-laws. These By-laws were approved by the Council who has the right to amend the by-laws per the current By-laws which are still in effect. Officers to sign the By-laws tonight and all signed with the exception of Mikki Niemi who thought they were not done properly even though everyone present agreed the process used to revise the Elvira Neighborhood Association By-laws were done per the by-laws.
Call to the Public: Tere Filkin announced the Council met on March 6th and appointed Abel Salcido as the new Sgt of Arms.
Dave reminded everyone of the church Community Rummage Sale on March 21st, and anyone wishing to participate to contact the church.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Oscar Tortosa and seconded by Abel Salcido Motion was passed by all present. Meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Elvira Neighborhood Association website http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/Elvira