Meeting Theme: It takes a Village to make a Village.
Was decided to change our name to a more inclusive one, who cares what the plat says. Emerald for Glen Emerald Park and our vision of an emerald green hill, how our neighborhood could look.
Decided: we are all busy, and need a foolproof way to organize ourselves and our projects, trying Facebook for that, see above.
The plan is to keep nhood meetings to under TWENTY MINUTES so bringing an agenda and timer next time. Anyone have a large timer with a loud alarm?
We have a new name, and Emerald Hill Gresham Park Neighborhood group is on Facebook.
Please friend me on Facebook, Diana Young
Please invite neighbors who are also Facebook friends. We can figure out another way to reach people who aren't on email or Facebook but for those of us who are, we have an easy way to communicate and keep records.
Thank you!
info: adjoining nhoods are organizing, soon let us network with them. Or someone right now ask how they are doing it and maybe we can do likewise.
task: pulling tires out of church ravine/stream property and stacking them on side of road, making call for Earth Day tire pickup. No date for this unless someone wants to organize, work as you can.
Project: collect signatures for Nhood Watch. Ways to collect more. How to know how many we have and how many we need.
issue: gunshots on Dianne Ct
Issue: raising funds for daycare lease and for seed money for neighborhood permaculture. Kickstarter, yardsale?
announcement: Ray is official neighborhood/church liason and everything between the 2 will go through him, bravo, Ray, and thank you!
Project: look at working with church and Ben of MetroFarms to add permaculture community and food growing greenspace in neighborhood.
Ben spoke and we are very excited about this. Ray and Ben will present to church elders. Friend Ben on Facebook at Metro Farms or join his blog,
Lynne grantwriter suggests we pursue official neighborhood assn status as first step to getting grants, all at meeting in favor, we will do that.