- denay
- Valued Neighbor
- 3 Posts
I need all committee Chairpersons to forward at your earliest convenience, any info you would like posted in the Enclave Newsletter. I am trying to gather this info by weeks end.
Thanks in Advance,
Denay Rosenblum
Secretary Enclave HOA
The premier edition of the Enclave at White Rock Neighborhood Directory is due out the first week of May. The directories are in the process of being printed. The directories are provided free-of-charge to all residents as a result of the generous underwriting provided by select sponsors. It contains a convenience directory of useful numbers, alphabetical listing of residents info, listing by street and address, a map with addresses, schools, overview of covenents/restrictions, list of Board of Directors, Committee members, Elected Officals and more. As you make use of the Directory throughout the coming year, please remember to patronize and express your appreciation to our Sponsors, as we wish their continued support of future Directories. A special Thank You to all of you who contributed requested family data. Your efforts have made the Directory a valuable informational resource. Sincerely, Linda Madeley, Editor
More Info
I was contacted by Vikki Martin, President of Ferguson Road Initiative, regarding a grant they received in the amount of $275,000 with half of that amount to be used for Crime reduction in our area. They will be opening a Police
storefront at Ferguson and Lakeland in a donated space in the very near future. They also purchased and have been given permission to keep in their possession at the storefront, bicycles for patrols exclusively in the FRI neighborhoods. We discussed having the patrol cruise our neighborhood which I am in favor of considering the problem we have had with mail being stolen from our mail boxes and the general crime in our area. The construction at Ferguson and Highland is the beginning of a project Vikki took on to add curbs and sidewalks east to Jim Miller. The construction on the south side of Highland will be the new Lakehill Preparatory School and fronting Ferguson their sports playing fields. All positive events for the improvement of our area.

- amya
- Valued Neighbor
- 2 Posts
Stolen Mail?
I know this isn't the main topic of discussion here, but I hadn't heard anything about stolen mail in the neighborhood. I know last Friday we didn't receive any which we thought was odd -- is it possible it was stolen? How frequently is this happening? Just curious. Thanks. And thanks for the details about FRI - we had been wondering.