English Turn


Jan 29, 2003

Greetings from your newly-elected Board of Directors of the English Turn Civic Improvement Association
A General Membership Meeting was held at the Buddhist Temple on November 13, 2002. Since a quorum of members was present, an election to select a Board of Directors for the 2002-2004 term was held. The Officers were elected at the November 18, 2002 Board Meeting. We are writing to introduce ourselves to the community. The persons elected on November 13, 2002 are as follows:
Frances Sewell ?– President
?· Email: francessewell@earthlink.net
?· Phone: 504-393-0390
Verlaine Hirsch - Vice-President
?· Email: verlainetrail@aol.com
?· Phone: 504-393-9248
Amy Walker ?– Secretary
?· Email: amylfw@aol.com
?· Phone: 504-392-2583
Sarah Ripp - Treasurer
?· Email: rjrjus@msn.com
?· Phone: 504-392-5626
Don Moreau ?– Sgt-At-Arms
?· Email: DL814@CS.COM
?· Phone: 504-394-2644
Doris Williams - At Large
?· Phone: 504-394-0083
Betty Lemons - At Large
?· Email: bclemons@cmaaccess.com
?· Phone: 504-393-9709
Laverne Wetwiski - At Large
?· Phone 504-394-394-3276
Emelda Green - At Large
?· Phone: 504-394-4061
Regular meetings of the Board will be held bi-monthly unless rescheduled due to a holiday, or otherwise deemed necessary by the President, Vice-President, or a majority of Board Members. A quorum must be present to conduct business.
Meeting Notice and scheduled speakers for the February 11, 2003 Meeting
The doors will open at 6:30 to allow time for membership renewals. The meeting will begin promptly at 7:00 P.M.
We are very pleased and excited to present the following speakers who will discuss issues that affect all of us in the Lower Coast: Representatives from the Streets Department and the Sewerage and Water Board. We are also expecting the developer from The Arbors of English Turn to tell us about his plans for the proposed subdivision on the large tract of land located where Hwy. 406 meets the River Road. Refreshments will be served.
E.T.C.I.A. Dues .*Reminder
Membership dues are payable yearly in advance. Any member failing to pay dues within 60 days at the beginning of the business year shall be notified in writing by the secretary at his/her last known address of such fact. In default of payment beyond the delinquency notification, said member shall forfeit all privileges until his/her account is brought current.
Dues may be paid at the February meeting or mailed with the enclosed membership form to:
12601 Willow Drive
New Orleans, LA 70131

Tentative meeting dates for 2003:
All General Meetings will be held at the Buddhist Temple. Board Meetings will be held at the Woodland Presbyterian Church at the corner of Woodland Highway and Berkley Drive. Board meetings will begin at 7:00 P.M. The public is invited to attend and observe all Board Meetings. Board meeting dates: 2/3/2003; 5/5/2003; 9/8/2003; 11/3/2003 General Membership Meeting dates: 2/11/2003; 5/13/2003; 9/16/2003;11/11/2003
Camus Winery
Rusty and Anna Camus have applied for and received approval for a text change to existing zoning laws pertaining to farms of over 10 acres in size. The City Council voted unanimously to approve the text change.
The Camuses must apply for a conditional-use permit from the city in order to proceed with their project. Before the Camuses can get such a permit, they'll have to go through another hearing before the Planning Commission and another vote by the council. Please continue to give us your input so that we can properly represent the community?’s interests.
Terrence L. Hauver
On December 30, 2002, Mr. Terrence L. Hauver, a member of this community and former boardmember died from the results of a skiing accident. We would like to express our most sincere condolences to the entire Hauver family.
Thank you!
Special thanks to Emelda Green and Rinda Ripp for their invaluable help in getting this newsletter together.
Sarah Ripp has put in a great deal of time and effort into getting and keeping our website up-to-date. Thank you Sarah for all of your hard work.

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