Flag pole at entrance

Posted in: Riverside Chase
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  • dannylin
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I am surprised to see the flag pole removed today. What's the plan now? A few years back at an annual meeting, the neighborhood voted to keep the United States of America flags at both entrances. I just noticed that this years HOA board voted to remove the pole in Feb. I feel that such important decision should be at least communicate to the residents and ask for opinions first... VERY DISAPPOINTED!!


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  • mijackdad
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Greer, SC
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I am not sure about a vote to keep them a few years ago, but we did vote to take them down this year.  Back in January we voted to remove the old and torn flags from the poles as we felt it looked worse having torn flags than no flags.  It was during this process that we noticed that the pole at the lower entrance had a broken pulley system and was starting to crack, which means it was going to have to be replaced anyway.   We also felt that the bushes were getting out of control and were just collecting trash.  The other problem with the way the curent island is setup is that we have to keep replacing the lights that are kicked and broken. 


 What we would like to do now, is put in some bricks to raise the beds up.  Then put in some flowers instead of the bushes.  Currenlty there are no plans to reput back in the flag poles. I will pass along your concern to the reset of the board. 







I think the entrance looks great now. I can't wait to see it when it's finished. I can't believe that the hoa president let the flags hang up that long. My 8 year old daughter asked if we lived in a nazi neighborhood because she learned in school that it was disrespectful to leave flags up that were as old and tattered as they were. It's nice to see that the new members of the board are finally getting things accomplished. Keep up the great work!!

My wife and I agree we are VERY DISAPPOINTED in the removal of the flags. Who voted on this! The last I seen in the Chase report we we're getting new flags. Then all of a sudden their gone. Yes it was bad enough with the tattered and torn flags.(especially when they were left up on Veterans day...Disgusted) I thought the dues were Our funds. I know I didn't vote on any flag removal. So now we get bricks and more flowers...Oh Boy! Exactly how much do we spend a year on flowers anyway? The lower pole has been broken for years and we have been told it was on the agenda to get repaired. Now we have new people on the board and they just go and do what ever they feel like? What's up with that?


This Country is at WAR! WE have Soldiers that make the ultimate sacrifice everyday! and YOU take our FLAGS DOWN. I my friend am ashamed!

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