New Direction For EsquireVillage
This past year Esquire Village, under the leadership and direction of Jomar Management had some challenges that the (HOA) Homeowner Association Board of Directors have addressed.
These challenges consisted of:
Not being able to meet the budget
Jomar's communication with homeowners
Overpriced insurance
No monthly payment packets provided from management co.
Large turnover of Jomar Managers
(5 over the past year, creating inconsistency)
Neighborhood meetings were held this past summer to hear what the homeowners wanted to do about these issues.
Many felt we should be self-managed. A Task Force Team addressed this plan.
Committed volunteers were needed
Volunteers needed to be trained.
After reviewing all of the responsibilities that came with self-management, the Task Force Team along with the (BOD) board of directors felt that this change might be very good, but Esquire Village was not ready for such a large commitment from the homeowners at this time.
Knowing that making a change from Jomar (the current management company) was a priority, the task force moved forward contacting accounting and management companies.
Proposals were received from:
One management company with no
accounting services;
Two management companies
including accounting services;
Three accounting companies
(accounting services only).
After proposals came in and were reviewed, the task force along with the BOD met with the 3 prospecting management companies. All three companies had excellent qualities.
The decisions were based on:
How large of HOA's they managed
How they ran their business
Hidden additional expenses
Their commitment to us
Importance of community
Ability to take direction from the board
With all of these important factors considered, a decision was made. Red Mountain Management Company was selected. They have promised to establish a line of communication with all members so those members can contact them pertaining to any association matter.