Estates of Hilltown

Smart Meter Opt Out Legislation

Posted in: Langhorne PA
Basically, In 2008 the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Legislative body passed, and then-Governor Ed Rendell signed into Pennsylvania Law – PA HB2200, which became Act 129 of 2008. That  law mandated AMI Smart Meters (SMs) replace perfectly safe analog meters on all residences with utility companies servicing 100,000 customers. 

However, that bill/law is flawed legally insofar as it does not provide an Opt-out from Smart Meters.

SMs are hazardous to human health from the radiofrequency (RF) non-ionizing radiation they emit into each household, in effect creating what some consider a ‘microwave oven like’ environment to live in creating adverse health effects. 

Philadelphia and the surrounding suburbs are serviced by PECO, an Exelon Company, who now is sending out shut off notices to homeowners who refuse/decline/deny access to replacing the analog meters with SMs.

However, numerous members of both chambers of the Pennsylvania legislature apparently recognized the inequities of Act 129 and have introduced various bills to amend it so that there are opt-out provisions and people will not have to suffer RF health problems.

One very stubborn opposition to the democratic process of redress is that PA State Representative Robert W Godshall, who chairs the committee where past and current opt-out bills were/are lodged for a vote, decided to sit on those bills; never calls them for a vote; and allowed former bills to become “sine die” at the end of the last legislative session. 

Today I received a Press Release from PASMA, which is self-explanatory. Pennsylvanians must have opt-outs from Smart Meters, as is provided—and the law—in other states. 




Our State Representative Frank Farry represents us in Harrisburg.  He needs to know that we would like an Opt Out of these Smart Meters in Langhorne!

Let him know your thoughts!



Below is a letter I wrote to the Courier TImes regarding this subject!


Act 129 of 2008 of the Pennsylvania Utility Code imposed new requirements with the goal that all electric distribution companies with greater than 100,000 customers utilize Smart Meters by 2023. The goal is to reduce energy consumption and demand.
The AMI meters that are being installed all over Bucks County are two way wireless radio frequency transmitters. The new meters, even if the first two radios are ‘turned off’, contain something called a “switched mode power supply” which puts pulses on the wiring all through your house.
These devices may transmit up to 10 frequencies, day and night, which seem to be particularly harmful for some people.  There are health concerns associated with the RF waves produced by these meters.  There is a long list of symptoms people have experienced including but not limited to sleep problems, brain fog, chest pain, cardiac problems, headaches, dizziness etc. There have been reports of interference with people’s heart pacemakers, with implanted devices designed to improve symptoms for Parkinson’s patients, and with other medical devices.
There are privacy issues as these meters provide a 2-way communication, giving utility companies the ability to: 1. Turn on and off meters from a central location 2. Determine usage of individual homes   3. Know what devices are being used in the home 4. Know when devices are being used in the home.
Besides health and privacy issues, these meters have caused fires, explosions, and electrical problems and burned out appliances in Bucks County and around the world.  Peco halted the installation of Smart Meters in 2012 dues to fires.
In order to get electricity, everyone in Pennsylvania must have a smart meter.  There is no choice. Whether you are for or against smart meters the fact that the state of Pennsylvania does not allow an “opt out “of these meters should be questioned. At the moment, State Representative and Committee Chair, Robert Godshall is holding up proposed legislation (PA House Bill 396, 393, 394 and 395) that would allow “opt outs” for the utility companies and their customers.
 Many people do not know what these federally funded Smart Meters are. There seems to be a media black out on the subject of Smart Meters.   I suspect that here is money to be made and favors to be given at the consumer’s expense.
Asbestos was once considered safe!  What you don’t know and cannot see can sometimes hurt you, your children and future generations. 
We should have the choice to determine what is right for us and if we do or don’t want a Smart Meter on our house. We are not one size fits all!  Some people want choice.

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