Evergreen BC

Notice of Public Hearing Mailer

Posted in: Countryside Woods
  • Stock
  • egorger
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor

Hello All:


I recently received a letter announcing a hearing on the extension of the Development Agreement for Evergreen (Formerly Schmid) Pit.  After being subject to the early starting time, late hours of operation, degradation of the approaching roadway (155th between 18th St. and the entrance to the pit) the daily delays on 155th and 18th St. caused by oversized dual dumptrucks, mud, dust, debris, and noise, I have decided that I am in opposition of this extension.  Is there any concerted effort from our Neighborhood Association to oppose this and foster immediate reclaimation efforts?  An official position?





  • Stock
  • Susswasser
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Vancouver, WA
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor


I am the current NA chair. It is my intention to attend the hearing regarding this proposed extension next Monday evening. I am trying to contact the pit owners to see if they are willing to attend our next General Membership Meeting (March 14 @ Fishers Grange), but have not heard anything back. I see that written comments are due 2/24/2012. I will be picking up a copy of the development agreement proposal Friday morning, but have to admit I haven't had an opportunity to read it until then; so it is unlikely that the NA will be providing written comments before the hearing or could take an official position without a vote of the neighborhood. That certainly doesn't mean you can't provide written or oral testimony on your own. Contact me if you would like to discuss. I am interested in your POV.


  • Stock
  • egorger
  • Valued Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor



It was nice to meet you last night.

After I further reflected on the proceedings and discussed it with my wife who was watching live on Comcast 23, I really am a little disillusioned by the seeming absolut preference for the mining company than the residents.   If Tapani is serious about the abatement procedures they have in place then it will be tollerable for a period of only one more year, but I would like the NA support in requesting that any possibility of extension be removed from the DA and that the DNR be specific in its requirement.  I would ultimately like to see the area turned into a natural recreation area, but not a "full" greenspace but rather a maintained nature area with appropriate emergency access, limited hours of open operation, dedicated parking located either off 155th if necessary but preferable off 18th St. at 152nd and pedestrian access at 155th.  I would also like to try to get "slowdown' development on 155th with speed bumps some sort of restricted access, etc.  Since Tapani has seen fit to offer improvements and assistance to the adjoing neighborhood, I think that we may have a wonderful opportunity to pass the costs away from our tax base and onto Tapani.  I have no problem with this as apparently they are willing to assist the NA or HOA in First Place but not so much as even contact their more immediate neighbors and their own NA.


Further I would like to ask the council for regular and unannouced code enforcement visits and audits.  


The minimized load stipulation of 80 loads a day, based on a 12 hour day is one truck every 9 minutes.  During this 9 minutes they are going to load, weigh, and wheel wash these trucks?  80 loads a day represents continuous operation with a minimum of 160 passings on 155th street.


If I have time I am going to put this all in writting to submit by this Friday 4pm and attend the continued hearing.  I will also be trying to get in touch with Dan Hutsel and see if I can illicit some information from him. I know that he was very upset with the Schmid Family Ltd. Trust because they would not deal with him.  I suspect otherwise with Tapani.


Thanks again,



  • Stock
  • Susswasser
  • Valued Neighbor
  • Vancouver, WA
  • 2 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Valued Neighbor


Eric, et al.


Verbal confirmation has been received that a representative from Tapani Underground will attend our next Genereal Neighborhood Association meeting, March 14 @ Fishers' Grange. They are tenatively scheduled to have the floor at about 7:30 PM. They have been asked to give a brief presentation on their immediate and future plans for the quarry site, with an opportunity for some Q&A when they are done. If you could contact your neighbors to let them know about this opportunity to discuss the quarry, it would be most appreciated.



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