The annual meeting was held September 19, 2000. Seven directors were elected. They are: Donna Coco, Franklin Frederick, Mary Davis, Lesley Landon, Rick Mack, Steve Way, and Laurie Paganelli. These individuals will comprise your Board of Directors for the year 2001. The Board will elect the Association's officers at the regular January, 2001 meeting. The Board meets the third Tuesday of each month. All members are invited and encouraged to attend.
This is my last column in the Meadowlark as your president since my term of office will expire December 31, 2000. During the two years of my tenure as president of the EMHA, I have learned much about the Association and our neighborhood. The most important things I have learned is the importance of EMHA. I strongly encourage everyone to volunteer to serve the Association in some way. I realize everyone is busy. However, the only way the EMHA can continue to exist is with voluntary efforts of the members.
My two years as president of your Association have been challenging and rewarding. I want to express my appreciation to all of you for providing me the opportunity to have served as a director and president of Evergreen Meadows Homeowners Association. I thank all of you for your support during my term of office.