After all the seven-plus years Patty and I have lived in the Meadows, I'm just now finding out that some homeowners do not have copies of the Protective Covenants for our subdivision. This is easily corrected if residents and owners will contact any of the members of the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association. In addition to a copy of the Covenants, owners should also have a copy of the Architectural Guidelines and the Rules and Regulations (pertaining to Covenant violations).
Although realtors should alert prospective buyers that there are protective covenants for Evergreen Meadows and help them obtain copies of these covenants and associated documents, they often fail in this regard. Ideally, previous owners would see that their copies of these important documents are handed over to the new owners, but this also does not regularly happen.
As Membership Chairman, I will try to supply new owners with these documents if they do not already have them. My source of sales information is the Friday edition of the Denver Post, but I do not always catch new owner notification or occasionally one is not listed. In any event, I ask that neighbors of new owners learn if they have copies of these documents as part of getting acquainted. Tell them to contact me and I will supply them with copies, if I have not already done so,