The annual meeting was held October 21, 1999. Seven directors were elected. They are Donna Coco, Franklin Frederick, Patrick Goss, Lesley Landon, William Perry, Steve Way, and Kattia Zodrow. These persons will comprise your Board of Directors for the year 2000. At the January meeting, the Board elected the following persons to serve as officers during the year 2000. President: William Perry, Vice President: Donna Coco, Secretary: Kattia Zodrow, and Treasurer: Franklin Frederick. The Board meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Conference Baptist Church. All residents are invited and encouraged to attend. We all hold office to serve the association. If anyone encounters any problems or has any questions, you may call any director or me.
At the annual meeting, there seemed to be some misunderstanding concerning proxies. As a result, we had a difficult time achieving a quorum. Everyone is reminded that Proxies are not a substitute for physical presence at annual meetings. Proxies may only comprise 20% of the quorum. We will be discussing proxies in detail in later issues as the time for the next annual meeting approaches. We all look forward to serving you during the upcoming year.