- sue57
- Respected Neighbor
- 67 Posts
I remember the candy store on 2nd & Clark! I thought it was on McKinley, but you're right. My dad would give us a quarter & send us down there.
I didn't know your brother real well, I know john better, But what I do remember he was a pretty well liked guy. KT

- rb56
- Respected Neighbor
- 43 Posts
The message you left in the ''Ray'' thread didnt have a heading on it and I couldnt open it.
Yep, that's me.....
the ''little'' sis. Am I to assume that your initials are RB? I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with a name LOL! Maybe my mom or my sister could help hehehe! Yeah, I was only 11 years old when he died so I have very few memories, and unfortunately most of them are bad ones....I'm sure you know what I mean.