it is called organized house hunting. In other words they are looking to enter someones property. If u are traveling in a group of 5 with hoods. That it is to me call the cops especially in the bushes. People load up on ur rights and get a riffle for ur house. There is an orgainzed gang around lexington Green / croft that are coming into communities and robbing people at the mail boxes. Robbing people walking along Songsmith and carvel lanes. They robed
the radio shack in Governor Square. People they are organized punks praying on the working. Beware ladies with ur pockebooks at the bus stops. Everyone is a victim. Times are hard and there is no work. These Dirt bags will take what ever they see. They have been trying to pry open homeowners fences in the stonemill and surrounding communities especially if it is in a secluded area. Last year when Lexington Green was closed down for renovation. The crime ceased in the area. Now that they have opened up again. The
crime as started all over again. Good luck and God Bless
Dont stop for anyone if they ask u the time. Someone was robed doing this.