Could we get more information on the park? Maybe a link to how to participate, how to get on the committee, and what the funding streams are...what are the plans to raise money...I know there was grant talk but since I've been unable to attend meetings I feel a bit detached from the process. The only way I've been able to participate is by being a block captain that hands out fliers since I miss the meetings.
Maybe we could have some more informal contacts to keep up on the current news. I think the newsletter is a great idea. The newsletter could offer incentives to residents for participating like spotlighting yards for great lawn or awesome decorations for Holidays. Maybe a Kid's Corner to show what the kids are up to and what they do to make the neighborhood great. Mention great Dan Nation on High Eagle Trail mowing the yard of a vacant house to keep the neighborhood looking good. Kudos to him and his neighbor who helped. I love know they're just across the street and keep an eye on my daughters.
Maybe some kinds of update after the meetings for those of us who can't attend due to conflicting activities at the schools or work.
Maybe we could poll the neighborhood to see if there's a better day to meet or if child care may be the problem. We have three new parents on High Eagle Trail that may be staying away due to this need. I know some are just overwhelmed with too many things to do but if we figure out the barriers we might overcome them. Sorry it's the social worker in me...can't stop my needs assessments. I love community work and would love to help. Well done is better than well said so how do we begin. I would love to get together with people to see what people's thoughts lack of appearance at the meetings is not apathy it's scheduling like many others I'm sure.
I think the paper & the fliers are a great way to get the word out. I know the signs tried but were moved & missing for a bit...Maybe we could tag onto one of North Elementary's newsletter or at a PTA meeting to let people know about us.
Thank you to Peggy & Evelyn for all they do and for those behind the scenes that we don't know about.
Christie (on High Eagle Trail)