P. O. BOX 340285 COLUMBUS, OH 43234
March 28, 2001
The Far Northwest Coalition (FNWC) met for its regularly scheduled
meeting at the Northwest Library. Members present of the FNWC Board were John Best, Ann Brodeur, Mark Seeger & Rich Herner. There not being a quorum, the minutes of the previous meeting were tabled.
John Best opened the meeting at 7:00 p.m. and Stu Harris, a candidate for Columbus City Council addressed the group and discussed various issues of his candidacy.
John Sliemers from the Columbus City Engineer's Office made a
presentation about traffic calming alternatives on Sawbury Boulevard. He noted that the city had distributed flyers to residents in the area in both English and Spanish concerning the presentation about the project. He said the project improvements would start east of Sawmill and west of Shirlington Drive, near where the residential areas of the street begin and extend to Smoky Row Road. The traffic calming proposal calls for various types of calming devices to be used along the length of Sawbury Boulevard.
Greg Payne of the Ohio Construction Information Association (OCIA) then made a presentation on the various construction projects in the area. He in turn then talked about the impact on our current infrastructure, water resources, air quality, population shifts and other related items.
Respectfully submitted,
Rich Herner
Secretary FNWC