Far Northwest Coalition

BC Entry Beutification Phase 1

Posted in: BCH
  • Avatar
  • pjoodi
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Dublin, OH
  • 9 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor
One of the topics discussed at the annual home owners meeting was our desire 
to improve the appearance of the entrances to our neighborhood. We were
unsuccessful in our attempt to get a Dublin grant this year (we'll reapply
this coming year). However a suggestion was made that a temporary fix was
desirable. It was suggested that the wooden fences at the west BC Circle,
Clover Park and Claddaugh Lane be sanded and repainted.
I am pleased to inform you about the completion of the painting for the wooden
fences at the west BC Circle, Clover Park and Claddaugh Lane. Although a
temporary fix this volunteer work was very timely for representing City of
Dublin and our beautiful neighborhood during the Memorial weekend and also
demonstrated our camaraderie for Hard Road passerby during the Memorial Golf
Tournament. Many thanks to Messrs Gorniak & Rossbach for joining me on this
volunteer work -- three of us sanded and repainted the six 30 ft long fences
during the week end of 5/28 and 5/29. I am looking forward to collaborating with
the City officials on the next phase of the Bryson Cove beautification project!! Pete
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