Far Southwest

Oil slicks from garbage trucks

Posted in: Hayhurst
Every time I walk the neighborhood after a garbage pickup by Waste Management I see fresh oil slicks at each point the truck has stopped. After a rain our streets take on a purple color as the oil spreads.

The Neighborhood Assn has complained to the collector and the city but the pollution continues. Maybe it's time we all made individual complaints. Any thoughts?

By Joe Higgins
Oil Slicks left behind

I agree, Joe, this seems to be a increasing problem.

Could you find the right person to contact and post the name & address so those who want to can send them our thoughts on this problem?

Thanks for starting the conversation.

By C. Rundorff
Oil Spills Followup

Joe, after this issue came up at our meeting last year, you recall that letters were sent to BES. I received pretty prompt response from both Susan Keil Manager, Industrial and Solid Waste Group and Bruce Walker Residential Program Manager. It was actually Bruce Walker who sent the letter to Waste Management since it was trucks from that company that you saw leaking. I suggest that either Susan or Bruce be contacted again. They will need dates and/or locations where the spills have been noted. The address of BES is 1211 SW Fifth Ave, Rm 800 Portland, Oregon 97204-3713.

By Susan King
Oil spill followup

I spoke to Bruce Walker (BES) today and advised him of our continuing problem of oil leaks from Waste Managements trucks. Bruce told me he will try to have an inspector out tommorow to check the trucks and asked me to give him a call if I see the trucks making their rounds.
Bruces phone number is 823-7772 and his e-mail address is brucew@bes.ci.portland.or.us. Bruce encouraged us to call or e-mail him as we spot specific oil leak problems.

By Joe Higgins
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