Fire Emergency Procedures at High Country Villas

Posted in: High Country News
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  • dyallen
  • Respected Neighbor
  • USA
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

There is an interesting article in today's Union Tribune (August 12) dealing with the subject of evacuating seniors in the event of a fire emergency (see  It seems to me that we could do more to address this and related problems in the High Country Villas area.  Would it not be good to develop some procedures for evacuating people who are homebound or cannot drive?  It might also be helpful to have some guidelines for individuals and the community about how to protect homes from brushfires.  Fire prevention (such as elimination of highly flammible vegetation) is another subject that ought to be investigated.  Now that our Disaster Committee has distributed its booklet on earthquakes, I think its mission might be extended to work on emergency procedures for fires.  What do other people think?

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