Couldn't Agree More
The king needs to be de-crowned. Hairburner, can you help with a new "do"?
The king needs to be de-crowned. Hairburner, can you help with a new "do"?
Couldn't Agree More
The king needs to be de-crowned. Hairburner, can you help with a new "do"? |
The King Must go
If the President resigns are you willing to come forward for the next twelve years and commit to what he comitted to? Which would be taking this neighborhood assoc. to being one of the most highly recognized assoc. in the country with the long term well thought out plan that he has implemented? Are you and your group willing to go and stand & sit at city hall for hours after doing hours of code research to present a case for the good of all? And, are you willing to devote that much time to the neighborhood association, even if it does'nt affect you directly? You better think about that long and hard. I want him on my side and to continue doing all those good and right things that he has done to bring us up to this level? Think about why you decided to locate in this neighborhood! By pattg |
1. no that a question? 3. what group? 4. no 5. "good" and "right" are relative terms 6. yes, not to be embarrassed by a "leader" and not to be shut out of the process. And, honey, I lived here before 12 years ago. By Woody |
where have you been ?
Much of what you say is valid. But if you were at the last general membership meeting i do not think you could ask this man to continue. Times change and people burn out. No one is irreplaceable. |