Reply to ''To the Board...''
To Barry and others who became discouraged and less active over the years. allegedly in response to Mr. Lange's behavior, please resume being active members of the Association! The best way to maintain the staus quo is for those with a different view or a different way to handle things to drop out of the process. The way to unbalance the status quo, shift the balance of power, open up the process, and shake things up is to stay involved and make your voices heard!!! Forty members of NSNA showed up for the June 19 meeting, and 31 of them voted in favor of a motion for the Board to hold a special meeting on July 3 to request Mr. Lange's resignation. We heard you! Now, we need members willing to take on responsibilities that perhaps were not previously delegated. For example, at the June 11 Board Meeting, Mr. Lange verbalized that he was giving up the Chair of the Landscaping Committee--would you like to join a committee? Chair a committee? The reason that Mr. Lange could maintain such a powerful position in the NSNA is not simply the result of intelligence, or special skills, or interest and drive--it's because the membership allowed him to by abdicating our power, responsibility, and authority. And I will offer you a suggestion as a psychotherapist--the way to deal with ''a bullying boor'' (and I am not agreeing to your description of Mr. Lange) is not to retreat but to stand your ground, confront, and set limits and boundaries with rationality. Not always an easy thing to do, but more effective than giving in to intimidation. I'm a new member of the Board and interested in hearing from you.