Flushing Heights Civic Association

What do you think of R2a law?

Posted in: Concerned Citizens of Laurelton
With the building of MacMansions thourgh-out Queens a new zoning law has went through with the help of our fantastic zoning expert Mr. Paul Graziano to limit the expansion of homes by developers through-out Queens to preserve the beauty of our neighbourhoods. We'd love to read what you think regarding this issue?

By Zoning Committee
I think its silly and hateful

In my opinion the will do very little to address the issues that concern most Queens residents, overcrowding. Though some may assert the ''MacMansions'' are gaudy, its very hard to really care about aesthetics when there isn't a spot to park a car, 2-way roads that impassable, and near impossible to find a seat on a bus or train. For all the flaws of ''MacMansions'', to my knowledge, few ever are rented out to multiple families, rather they are constantly used for single family purposes. Rather than fiddling with the aesthetic issues of the zoning laws, more effort should be focused on making sure the number of occupants in a home is within the legal limit.
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