Greetings Fontaine Landing Estate Residents; (FEHA)
I simply felt compelled to make another positive gesture, by simply taking the initiative ro reach out to all our valued Fontaine Landing Estates residents. It has been over a year full since my last deliberate posting, where I took the liberty to introduce Tammy (my wife) and myself, and in some instances, re-introduce ourselves to other neighbors that we infrequently engage in any meaningful dialog.
It is my exact efforts and purpose to extend a sincere greeting to each of you, and truly hope we (as a sub-community) will generate enought motivation to find time to have a "meet and greet" opportunity to demonstate our appreciation for our valued neighbors.
Please weigh-in, in order to help further any new neighborhood discussion. With the volumes of social media at our immediate disposal, we certainly have the capacity and know-how to close the gaps that continue to exist, as it relates to the lack-of-communication among of valued neighbors...
I would venture to say, that, (as neighbors) each of the residents feels a sense of pride and accountability to our sub-community, if not the community as a whole. It's extremely important that we foster a balance of appreciation and community respectable spirit for all 26 family homes that help to make-up our Fontaine Landing Count (aka) FEHA.
Best Regards;
Kem and Tammy Walker
106 Fontaine Landing Court.
Louisville,Kentucky 40212-2666