Forest Park Civic Association

registered sex offenders

Posted in: Devonshire - Columbus

This is a free site that list all our local sex offenders.


Please help keep our children safe, the weather is getting nice and more children are outside playing. Keep your eyes open for random drive by's going through our streets, most likely the predators work in pairs, one to lure and the other to drive. I noticed some strange behavior on the part of 2 men driving an SUV, the truck came from across the street when it normally would have turned onto Ambleside. 2 men were inside and the passenger had his window down and his body language was out the window with my small child on the sidewalk. I did not report this to the authorities because nothing happened but it scared me enough to not let my child play outside while I bring groceries in and out of the house. I saw them driving across the street the moment I stepped back outside. It was in the middle of the day, about 2pm when most adult men are at work and not driving around in pairs on a nice day through residential neighborhoods. I have good reason to be suspicious although I could be wrong about their intentions, I am not taking that chance with even leaving toys in the front yard anymore, that will only let a predator know where to drive by. Try to keep the toys out of their eyesights, we don't want to tempt them or let them know where our children live.

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