The Two Rivers development consortium has proposed to modify the jointly agreed upon 2006 Agreement and Declarations of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Significant modifications within the newest proposal includes:
- Eliminating the requirement for the development to be an Age Restricted (55+) community
- Eliminating the golf course and club house and replacing it with a nature preserve
There are manyu considerations for each member of the community to think through:
- Is this modification in the best interest of the Forks of the Patuxent community, writ large?
- Are the concesssions being proposed by Two Rivers acceptable?
- In 2006 our community agreed with the development of the Two Rivers community - does the new proposal provide new concerns that weren't originally agreed to?
- If we resist too strongly, is the alternate outcome acceptable? For Example: If the Two Rivers Consortium sells the property, are we okay with the property becoming something other than a new community such as a dump, prison, recylcing station, etc?
The 2006 Agreement is located on this site as is the newest proposal. Recommend each resident review the two documents together and conduct an independent review to ascertain whether the new proposal is acceptable.