Dear 1982 FCHS Classmates:
A few of us decided to get together to plan our 20th reunion. So, here's what we've come up with so far.
Due to the limited availability of facilities, the date is the weekend of June 28th & 29th , 2002.
Friday's FAC: (actually, we haven't confirmed the place just yet)
Saturday's catered Bar-B-Q will be at the new FCHS for your whole family. The school will be open for tours (You can't climb this tower though!) 11:00 am for those of you that got home early the night before, 12:00 noon for those who didn't.
Saturday night's dinner will be at the Fort Collins Country Club. Wait, don't panic, no need to dust off your 1980's prom attire. We've been assured that the food is good, the service is excellent, and the atmosphere is very comfortable.
We've done the best we can trying to locate everyone on the graduate list, but we need your help.
The next page is the list of the people we have been unable to locate. If you know any of them, please contact us via e-mail or phone with their phone #'s, addresses, and/or e-mail.
For those of you with internet access, please register at (at no cost) .
For updates, --click on reunion information.
Please include your current information:
* Maiden/married name
* Address
* Home Phone * E-mail address
Here's how to contact us:
Amoros, Sylvia (Huddleson) Home 970-225-1821 E-Mail
Anduss, Murray Home 970-226-5748 E-Mail
Calabrese, Cathi (Roth) Home 970-229-9677 E-Mail
Colvin, Dee Dee Home 970-581-1198 E-Mail
Hartley, Elaine (McArthur) Home 970-226-4443 E-Mail
Rice, Kim (Farrand) Home 970-493-8766
For correspondence by mail: FCHS '82 P.O. Box 9582 Fort Collins, Co 80525-9582
So, mark your calendars, plan your vacations, and we'll contact you after the holidays with more details.
P.S. ( We have these meetings every couple weeks, and we eat lots of munchies and have several kinds of drinks, so excu
se any typos or errors? thanks)