Chesapeake and Moncrief cronies doing no one a world of good

Posted in: W Meadowbrook
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  • jcermak
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Fort Worth, TX
  • 15 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Well, there is nothing new under the sun.  It doesn't matter whether one addresses local, state, or national politics and issues.  The bottom line is that we as a nation, a state, and as the local Fort Worth community are ruled by elitist oligarchies which serves themselves and their contributers like Chesapeake and have forgotten the simple fact that they are elected to serve the constituency which elected them.  With news of the gas pipeline being planned to run as far as rock will permit on Carter Street we are well aware that this means just a few feet underneath the porches of Carter Street homeowners will live above a gasline.  Our litlle neighborhoods are built on a big hill of solid rock.  

We local home owners realize that FW City council serves those who are in their pocket.  Could the gasline run elsewhere?  Why of course but will Chesapeake pay out the wazoo to run the line under businesses on Beach and Scott. Scott Street money doesn't really care about the gasline, but tell the residents on Scott that trucks will be tearing down their street and they decide to get involved.  The fact is that eminent domain will hush the poor little folk on Carter and surrounding neighborhoods.  Moncrief and the rest of the sleazy, self-serving City Council members will say they are doing what they can when they are not shouting over those who address them in Council, but this issue will not be addressed or changed.  City Council is bought and sold.

What shall we do?  I suggest that every local West Meadowbrook homeowner take action at the polls.  Blow out City Council and vote for anyone who actually realizes who they are elected to serve.  Any one will be better than the moral lepers who currently hold office.  Street repairs and bond issues were nothing more than a welcome to Chesapeake to take hold in our neighborhoods.  

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