Fossil Creek

Fossil Creek Survey Results


You will find attached the results of our 2004 Fossil Creek poll conducted from October 22 to November 26. Property owner participation of 36 out of a possible 165 was disappointing. Lack of participation undermines the validity of this approach as a tool for prioritization or direction for the board. We promised to communicate the results to you and are delivering on that with this document. View the results with the knowledge that opinions presented here are those of a few and cannot be characterized as a clear mandate to do anything.

Thanks to those residents who took the time to give us input. We will use your ideas whenever we can to address known problem areas and continue to improve our Homeowners Association.

Poll Results

I. Fossil Creek Association (HOA) Communications
a. Did you attend the annual meeting this year? 47%Yes / 53%No
b. If yes, how effective was the meeting in informing you about issues and HOA activities?
31% Very Effective
38% Effective
25% Fair
6% Poor
c. If you attended, how effective was the meeting in getting your input on issues?
35% Very Effective
18% Effective
35% Fair
12% Poor
d. If you could do one thing to improve these annual meetings what would it be?
1 person said: Ensure vocal minority doesn't run our community
2 people said: Have more than one meeting per year.
1 said: Solicit agenda items ahead of time.
1 said: Put more issues to a vote.
1 said: Let community issues, not board member issues, drive the agenda.
1 said: Better publicity and advance notice.
1 said: Stay on the issues and keep meeting on track.
1 said: Have some goodies available.
1 said: Hold meetings indoors.
e. How do you prefer to receive current information about the HOA? 67% Email
31% Newsletter
3% Website
f. How often do you visit the HOA website?
19% Every month
26% Every quarter
15% Every 6 months
7% Every year
33% Never
g. How effective do you find the HOA website in providing information?
5% Very Effective
26% Effective
37% Fair
32% Poor
h. If you could do one thing to improve the website what would it be?
1 person said: Update with current events & announcements.
1 said: Poll got me to visit the website. Very impressive!
1 said: Print website address on everything - improve visibility.
1 said: Easier pull-down type menu.
1 said: More information and updates
i. How many HOA board members do you know by name?
5 - 29%
4 - 6%
3 - 16%
2 - 16%
1 - 13%
0 - 19%
j. Do you feel comfortable in contacting one of them to voice your opinion on an issue you care about? 87% Yes / 13% No
k. Did you know that you may request an agenda item for any board meeting and be present to discuss it with the board? 61% Yes/39% No
l. If invited, would you attend a board meeting just to see how they are conducted and to provide the board with your input? 76% Yes / 24% No
m. How effective is the Fossil Creek Directory and Events Calendar in providing you with information you need? 63% Very Effective
34% Effective
3% Fair
0% Poor
n. If you could change one thing to improve the Directory what would it be?
1 person said: Make it smaller to save on printing cost.
1 said: Incorporate it into website & residents can print out the latest.
1 said: Don't change it.
1 said: Update electronically each month.
o. How well informed do you feel about the following:

Very Good Good Fair Poor
Painting, street maintenance, and other projects 50% 33% 13% 4%
Status of Annexation by SAT 25% 38% 25% 13%
HOA Financial Status 37% 63% 5% 5%
Board Decisions 21% 38% 29% 13%
Social Events 59% 32% 0% 5%

p. Is your property currently for sale? If no, please skip this question. If yes, is there anything you think the HOA or your neighbors could do to assist you in making your property more marketable?
1 person said: Cover drainage ditches with sidewalks.
1 said: Don't add KB homes style items like street lights, speed bumps, etc.
1 said: Fence perimeter with stone walls. Double height of entry gates.
II. Fossil Creek Association Facilities Maintenance:
a. How satisfied are you with the landscaping and general appearance of the entry gate on Bulverde Road?
23% Very Satisfied
55% Satisfied
23% Dissatisfied
b. How satisfied are you with the lighting at the entry gate on Bulverde Road?
33% Very Satisfied
53% Satisfied
13% Dissatisfied
c. How satisfied are you with operation of the Bulverde gate?
47%Very Satisfied
53% Satisfied
0% Dissatisfied
d. If there was one thing you could change to improve the Bulverde entrance, what would it be?
2 people said: Heighten gate to make it more impressive.
1 said: Install security camera.
1 said: Have illuminated keypad at night.
1 said: Move speed limit signs inside neighborhood entrance.
1 said: Correct problem with gravel washed onto entrance by runoff.
1 said: Remove cedars on front island & replace with flowers, grass.
1 said: Improve fa?§ade around mail boxes.
5 said: Add seasonal color with flowers.
3 said: Add lights.
1 said: Clean FC letters on rock wall.
3 said: Need more lush landscape with color.
e. How satisfied are you with the landscaping and general appearance of the entry gate on Evans Road? 20% Very Satisfied
67% Satisfied
13% Dissatisfied
f. How satisfied are you with the lighting at the entry gate on Evans Road?
30% Very Satisfied
63% Satisfied
7% Dissatisfied
g. How satisfied are you with the operation of the Evans gate?
42% Very Satisfied
55% Satisfied
3% Dissatisfied
h. If there was one thing you could change to improve the Evans entrance, what would it be?
2 people said: Improve visibility of entrance, add lighting.
1 said: Gate doesn't open with gate opener.
1 said: Install security camera.
1 said: Move speed limit signs inside neighborhood entrance.
7 said: Add seasonal color with flowers.
1 said: Have illuminated keypad at night.
1 said: Clean FC letters on rock wall.
1 said: Install guard rail at exit stop sign.
i. How satisfied are you with the street lighting in our neighborhood?
33% Very Satisfied
50% Satisfied
17% Dissatisfied
j. What would you change, if anything, to improve the lighting on our streets?
3 people said: Remove the lights.
1 said: Paint the poles green.
1 said: Change street lights to decorative style.
5 said: Add lights in darker areas.
3 said: Don't add any more lights.
III. Covenant Enforcement Process
a. Do you have a copy of the Fossil Creek covenants for your reference? 100% Yes / 0% No
b. Have you read the covenants and understand what they require of you? 97% Yes / 3% No
c. Do you understand the purpose of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC)? 100% Yes / 0% No
d. Do you know when and how to contact the ACC? 80% Yes / 20% No
e. How difficult was it to get ACC approval of your plans?
4% Very Difficult
16% Difficult
80% Not Difficult
f. Are the covenants of value in maintaining the quality of life and property values in Fossil Creek?
53% Very Valuable
43% Valuable
3% Unimportant
g. How do you feel about the enforcement process with regard to you and your property?
0% Inflexible
3% Tough
76% About Right
14% Too Lax
h. How do you feel about the enforcement process with regard to your neighbors?
0% Inflexible
4% Tough
57% About Right
39% Too Lax
i. Who do you believe should do monthly drive around inspections of the neighborhood?
27% Board member
73% MPOT
j. Do you understand the steps in the enforcement process, your rights and the rights of the HOA? 82% Yes / 18% No
k. What would you change to improve this process?
1 person said: Board needs to take timely action after 3 letters. Must be consequences.
1 said: Be more flexible about drainage ditch maintenance. Call or email rather than send letter.
1 said: Publish process description on the website.
2 said: Educate residents on enforcement process.
5 said: Enforce covenants until all corrective action is taken.

IV. The Fossil Creek Homeowners Association uses a management company to provide administrative services. Please provide feedback on our management company, Management Professionals Of Texas (MPOT).
a. Have you had contact with MPOT within the last year? 62% Yes/38%No
b. How easy was it to reach a person to help you?
42% Very Easy
42% Easy
16% Difficult
0% Unsuccessful
c. Did the MPOT staff member behave in a professional manner? 89%Yes/ 11% No
d. Were you successful in resolving your problem through MPOT? 94%Yes /6% No
e. How would you prefer to be billed for HOA assessments?
17% Annually
83% Quarterly
0% Monthly
f. What could MPOT do to improve their service from your perspective?
1 person said: Quit sending mean covenant enforcement letters. Call and explain problems on the phone.
1 said: Enforce covenants instead of board so there is no bias. Motorhome ordinance not enforced.
2 said: Help with enforcement issues. More frequent inspections.
1 said: Better explain their role to residents.
2 said: Jennifer is great, change nothing.

V. Trash and Garbage Pick Up
a. How satisfied are you with the level of service you are receiving from Waste Management?
48% Very Satisfied
52% Satisfied
0% Unsatisfied
b. Would you make use of a recycling program for aluminum, glass and newspapers if it were available? 90% Yes / 10% No
c. Would you pay more for a recycling service? 33% Yes / 67% No
d. What could Waste Management do to improve their service from your perspective?
1 person said: Add an extra pick up day each quarter.
1 said: Encourage collapsing of cardboard boxes.
4 said: Pick up twice a week.
2 said: Charge less. Should get quotes for service from BFI.
2 said: Add recycling to service.
1 said: Trash can repairs can be very slow.
1 said: Provide me with a trash can. It's been 5 months.
1 said: Encourage neighbors to purchase a second can when needed.

VI. Neighborhood Safety
a. Please prioritize the following in terms of the threat they currently pose to the safety of you and your family in this neighborhood. Priority 1 = most important. Priority 2, 3, 4, etc = increasingly less important. Priority 0 = not important at all. You may add items at the bottom of the list.

1 - Burglary
2 - Theft
3 - Vandalism
4 - Evans/Bulverde Traffic
5 - Unauthorized Entry At Gates
6 - Unsupervised Children On ATV's/Motorbikes
Speeding On The Streets
Pools Without Fences
Loose Pets
Street Lighting
Traffic Signage
Culverts/Ditches Without Guard Rail
Open Burning On Lots

b. Would you participate as a volunteer in Neighborhood Watch or similar program to address some of the threats identified above? 58%Yes/42%No
c. Have you had an incident within the last year that caused you to make a report to the Bexar County Sheriff? If not, please skip this question. If you have, please rate the timeliness of their response below. 100% Less Than 1/2 hour
d. Have you had an incident within the last year that caused you to call the Selma Volunteer Fire Department? If not, please skip this question. If you have, please rate the timeliness of their response below.
100% Less than ½ hour
e. Did you know that the Fossil Creek Safety Committee provides a free Home Security Survey that may reduce your homeowner insurance premium by 5%? 13% Yes/ 87% No

Posted by sdalderman on 01/21/2005
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