Fox Run Civic Association

Cretinous kids stoning animals

Posted in: Stone Mill Maintenance Corp

Came home yesterday, went to turn into my drive and what do I see but 3 evil little bastards (and sorry but that's all the language I can use in this case) all agape at this poor little skunk who was trying (hobbling) to make his way to my front step (which I know animals sometimes hide under).  One of the little freaks had a rock in his hand and I saw other rocks around my drive.  They were so excited, telling me to watch out! Watch out! I asked them as I got out of the car why the skunk could hardly walk oh they didn't know.  You could smell him some so he had done his thing already and no wonder.  I then told this boy (I'd say around 8-11 yrs old coming home from school) if I saw him throw that rock at the skunk I would KICK HIS ASS and believe me i meant every word of it.  Kept standing there until I said GO HOME!

By now the poor little guy was under the step. I went in and called the SPCA and the guy told me to call "officer frank" (since I forget his long last name) who is the animal protection guy so I did but it was 4:30 and he already gone so I left a message.  Later I  opened door and the poor little skunk was hanging around the step, shaking very badly and barely able to walk.  It's likely I believe the rock throwing probably broke bones, damaged spine, who knows what all. 

I TELL YOU THIS PISSES ME OFF LIKE NOTHING YOU COULD EVER THROW AT ME.  The little guy moved two doors up and kinda squished him/herself behind the step up there so I will call again this morning as soon as I think they're open and tell them, although he could have moved again for all I k now.  If he's even still alive. 

Later:  i have talked to spca, fish & wildlife, my vet and a wild life rehabilitator but nobody seems to promising. 

I want the "leaders" of this community to know what a joy it ISN'T to live here.  If i want to live with animals, i'll take the skunks and God's decent creatures.  nobody has the right to crush a helpless animal with rocks.  to those parents who have these uncivilized little cretins, you all should be real proud you are raising tomorrow's psychopaths.


Karen - thank you for standing up for the little skunk.  I hope that more people speak up in regards to unacceptable behavior like this.  Do you have an update on what happened to the little guy?   I hope he's ok!   :(



That's very kind of you. 


I know there will be others, who are little more than animals themselves (except animals are better--only humans do disgusting things like this), that will have plenty of dissension but that's okay-they are what they will always be.


At any rate,  I had also emailed PETA, don't know if they will do anything (i emailed them back with the final word which i will tell you now). 

Corporal Jones, from Fish&Wildlife, actually did go to my house and surrounding area looking for the little guy.  She called me late the next day to report she didn't see/smell any sign of him.  so i guess that is that, i just hope he recovered and went on his way but i kinda doubt it--he was not looking good.  I am concerned he might have died and is wedged in behind the step of #7 Castle Way, which is where he was last time i saw him the evening of this heartbreaking event.  that step is not roomy underneath like my own is -- landscaping stones are all the way up the back of the step so i could not see anything next morning or since.  By the way, the stone in the brat's hand and all around my parking area were not those small white landscaping stones--they were LARGE ROCKS.

i thank you very much for caring!

If there is anything I can do to help, especially where animals are concerned, please don't hesitate to email me at - I have friends in the animal rescue network in Delaware, both domestic and wildlife so I may be able to help resolve the situations as they arise.   I share your concerns not only for animals but for our community as well.






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