imI would like to let you know that I live in camelot ii. You may know me, my house burned down at the end of April. I thought my life was over but it seems it has just began. I have started the repairs on my house that I plan to give to my sister. And because of good people I am going to be able to buy and repair the house next door. I have started the process for a 5013c to help rebuild our neighborhood with the help of our community. The organization will be putting a new sign at the entry of Camelot II. We have found a contractor who supports our mission; he has agreed to beautify our entry way sign that will start to attract the attention that this neighborhood is moving into the future for the families that are and will call Camelot II HOME! Look to hear from me in the very near future on all the upcoming plans that my organization will be heading up. If any of the already wonderful homeowners in Camelot II are ready to move this neighborhood up then start making THE LIST!!!! And please remember it's not too late for CAMELOT II, it's just getting started!