As of May 1 citizens of Frederick are again allowed to water their lawns!
Watering is allowed on the following days/times:
Even numbered addresses:
Thursdays and Sundays
12:00am-10:00am & 6pm-11:30pm
Odd numbered addresses:
Wednesdays and Saturdays
12:00am-10:00am & 6pm-11:30pm
?· Cars can be washed on your designated days as long as a closed-end hose is used (i.e. a spray nozzle w/ a trigger).
?· Residents who use more than 30,000 gallons of water per month will be charged $5 for every 1,000 gallons over 30,000.
Additionally, the city is again allowing installation of new sod. Permits, which cost $20, can be obtained from the city and allow you to water the new sod as often as necessary for the first six weeks.