
Your Franklinton Area Commission!

FAC Rules of Procedure

Franklinton Area Commission By-Laws
As adopted on January 10th, 2006

These By-Laws / Rules of Procedure shall establish all proceedings under which the Franklinton Area Commission shall execute its duties and functions under the grant of authority set forth in Chapter 3109, 121, 3111 of the Columbus City Code and Columbus City Charter, Sections 60 and 61.

Article I – Duties

A. To review and recommend standards of the physical preservation and development and the psychological-sociological enhancement of the Franklinton area including but not limited to, public open space such as parks, sidewalks, streets or other public amenities.

B. To recommend priorities for and review the efficiency of City services and department operations in the Franklinton area. The commission may:

1. Request and receive from City departments or agencies periodic reports concerning City government services or practices in the Franklinton area.

2. Upon request meet with the administrative heads of any City department or agency or any of their subordinates to obtain additional information deemed necessary for the Commission to fulfill its functions.

3. Request and receive from City departments or agencies, prior to implementation, full reports on any proposed changes in service or practice in the Franklinton area, and recommend approval or disapproval of the proposed changes.

C. Recommend nomination of members from the Franklinton area to City boards or Commissions that make decisions or recommendations affecting the Franklinton area.

D. Review and evaluate pending legislation exclusively affecting the Franklinton area prior to its consideration by City Council.

E. Regularly receive for review, comment, and recommendation, notices of all applications for rezoning, variances and other zoning adjustments, appeals and special permits submitted regarding property located wholly or partially within the Franklinton area. The Commission may meet with applicants or neighborhood groups to advise them of potential plans for the Franklinton area, how an applicant’s proposal relates to such plans, and offers suggestions for modification to the applicant’s proposal as deemed appropriate.

F. Make recommendations for restoration and preservation of the historical significance of the area.

G. Receive for review and recommendation prior to its adoption by the City of Columbus any new and revised comprehensive plans affecting wholly or partially the Franklinton area.

H. The Franklinton Area Commission shall not endorse any candidate for public office.

I. To aid and promote neighborhood communications within the Franklinton Area.

J. All expenditures shall be according to the Annual Budget.

K. Promote the activities and existence of the FAC to the community and other groups throughout the city. Solicitation participation in the FAC.

L. Oversee the development of, and to maintain the FAC website.

Article II

Section 1 – Franklinton Area Boundaries

The Franklinton Area Boundaries are: Starting at the northwest corner where the alley west of Schultz Avenue would, if extended, intersect the Scioto River, then South along said alley, crossing West Broad Street to a point where, if extended, said alley would intersect I-70; then South along I-70 to Central Avenue, South on Central Avenue to Mound Street, East on Mound Street to Mt. Calvary; then South on Mt. Calvary to the midpoint on Renick and Mt. Calvary Streets; then following the boundary of the City of Columbus first West, then South to Greenlawn Avenue; then North on Harmon Avenue to West Mound Street; then East along I-70, to the East bank of the Scioto River; then North and West along the Scioto River to the place of the beginning.

Section 2 – Membership and Terms

A. Membership of the FAC shall consist of twenty (20) members appointed by the mayor with the concurrence of Council. Council recommends that appointments to the FAC be made from professions and individuals including one (1) person from the Mayors Cabinet and staff; seven (7) individuals who are non-residents, chosen from those agencies, businesses or organizations with a purpose, function or business interest located in the Franklinton area; twelve (12) residents of the Franklinton area selected according to election procedures adopted by the Franklinton Area Commission. All terms shall be for a period of two (2) years. All members shall serve without compensation. Vacancies caused by resignation, death, or otherwise shall be filled for the un-expired term by the FAC Chair, with approval by the members. For election procedures, see Section 5e.

B. All members shall be required to attend a training class that will be provided by the City of Columbus.

Article III – Officers

Section 1

A. The officers of the Franklinton Area Commission shall be a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

B. The officers of the FAC shall be elected by the membership of the FAC at the November meeting. To ensure a smooth transition both new and old officers will put together the agenda for the December meeting. Incoming officers shall begin duties beginning December 1.

Section 2

A.The Chairperson shall:
1. Be a Franklinton resident.
2. Preside at all meetings of the FAC.
3. Serve as Ex-officio member of all committees.
4. Perform such duties as are necessary as prescribed by these Rules of Procedure and adopted Parliamentary Authority.

5. Prepare meeting agenda.

B. The Vice-Chairperson shall:

1. Perform said duties of the Chairperson in the absence of the Chairperson.
2. Perform such duties of the Chairperson as the Chairperson may from time to time delegate.
3. Participate as a member of the Planning Committee.

C. The Secretary shall:
1. Call the roll at each meeting and maintains a permanent written record of it.
2. Maintain a permanent written record of all action by the FAC and related committees.
3. Maintain a permanent file of all correspondence of the FAC.
4. Maintain a permanent written record of the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of FAC members.

D. The Treasurer shall:
1. Have oversight of all Franklinton Area Commission funds.
2. Monitor the financial operations and financial condition of the FAC.
3. Cause all financial records of the FAC to be maintained and reported to the FAC at each regular meeting, and to the City of Columbus as required.
4. Be chairperson of the Finance Committee.
5. Be responsible for assuring that sound financial practices are maintained.
6. Perform any other duties the FAC may require.

Section 3

There will be no limit on terms of elected officers.

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1 – Regular Meeting

The regular meeting of the FAC shall be held on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. unless otherwise specified by a vote of a majority of all members.

Section 2 – Special Meetings

Special meetings may be called by the Chairperson, by a majority of those members present at any meeting, or by five (5) members. The person or persons calling a special meeting shall give written notice of the special meeting, its time, date, location, and agenda, to all members at least three (3) days prior to such meeting.

Section 3 – Quorum

Six current members shall constitute a quorum for all meetings the of FAC.

Section 4 – Order of Business

The order of business for meetings of FAC shall be as follows:
1. Take the Roll.
2. Minutes of the previous meeting.
3. Reports of standing committees.
4. Reports of special committees.
5. Unfinished business.
6. New business.
7. Comments by members.
8. Comments by other persons present.

Section 5 – Agenda

The agenda for each regular meeting shall set forth all matters for discussion. When possible, all matters for the agenda, including minutes and committee reports shall be submitted in writing to the Chairperson at least seven (7) days prior to a meeting. When possible, the Chair shall send all members a notice of the meeting including the agenda, minutes and committee reports at least 5 days prior to the FAC meeting.

Section 6 - Discussion Limitation

Persons present at meetings who are not members shall have the right to participate in discussions of matters for consideration by FAC and the Chairperson shall recognize them for that purpose. The Chairperson shall determine limitation of discussion.

Section 7 – Time Limit

When guests are invited to speak to the Commission, time will generally be limited to fifteen (15) minutes, or at the discretion of the Chairperson.

Section 8 – Robert’s Rules of Order

The rules contained in the Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern meetings where applicable and where not inconsistent with the Rules of Procedure adopted herein, or any special rule the FAC may adopt.

Section 9 – Open Meetings

All meetings of the FAC including meetings of the committees shall be open to the public. In addition, all records and recorded material shall be available for inspection by any person at the Franklinton Branch of the Columbus Metropolitan Library during regular business hours.

Section 10 – FAC Meeting Time Limit

Commission meetings shall be limited to not more than two (2) hours unless deemed appropriate and approved by a majority of the Commission members present.

Article V – Committees

The various functions carried out by any respective sub-committee to the Franklinton Area Commission may include, but not be limited to, the following:

A. Study the problems and needs of the Franklinton area, bring the problems and needs to the attention of proper government agencies or the citizens of the Franklinton area, and recommend solutions.

B. Determine the need for and recommend to City Council or any other government body any needed legislation affecting the Franklinton area.

C. Provide a communication mechanism within the Franklinton area and to City Government through:
1. Holding regular and special meetings open to the public.
2. Conducting public hearings on problems or issues confronting the Franklinton area.
3. Sponsoring public forums on a periodic or as needed basis to provide an opportunity for Franklinton area residents to air problems or concerns.

E. Solicit all segments of the community including organizations, institutions, and government.

F. Establish structures and techniques for preserving and restoring the historical significance of the buildings and land in the Franklinton area.

Section 1

The Chairperson shall make appointment of members to committees.

Section 2

Appointment of persons, not members of the FAC, to committees shall be made by the Chairperson from recommendations made by members of the FAC. All committee members have voting privileges within their committees.

Section 3

Committee members serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson.

Section 4

The members of each committee shall elect a Chairperson and Secretary from members of the FAC sitting on the respective committees.

Section 5

The present standing committees and their responsibilities are:

A. Executive Committee:
1. Consists of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, and Chairpersons of any standing committee.
2. Duties: Plan the direction and scope of the Franklinton Area Commission.
3. Recommend potential candidates to fill any un-expired terms on the FAC, due to resignations, etc. such candidates shall be voted on by the entire Commission.

B. Planning Committee:
1. Review area plans and makes recommendations concerning them.
2. Address health, sanitation, safety, traffic, zoning, building and housing issues in the Franklinton area and make recommendations concerning related codes, as they pertain to area plans.
3. Examine historical significance of the area and make recommendations concerning the same.
4. In consultation with the City of Columbus, review flood control measures and other storm related problems, specifically including the adequacy of the West Columbus Flood Protection Plan, storm sewers, and sanitary sewers, and make recommendations concerning the same.

C. Housing Committee
1. Examine available housing programs and initiatives offered by both public and private organizations and to assist in the dissemination of information to the Franklinton community.
2. Address health, sanitation, safety, traffic, zoning, building and housing issues in the Franklinton area and make recommendations concerning related codes.

D. Zoning Committee:
1. Receive, review, and make recommendations concerning applications for rezoning, zoning variances, and special permits for property located in the area.
2. Receive and review all demolition permits for property in the Franklinton area.
3. The FAC shall consider zoning cases that have been received by the zoning Chair at least 14 calendar days prior to the FAC meeting. Cases received less than 14 days ahead will be heard at the next FAC meeting.
4. Commissioners shall be notified by the Zoning Chair of upcoming zoning cases no less than 12 days before a FAC meeting.
5. The Zoning Committee Chair shall notify all property owners within 125 feet prior to the FAC meeting where the case will be heard. All such owners are listed on the attachment to the zoning application.
6. The Zoning Chair must state that all procedures, including proper notification to FAC members, adjacent property owners, time deadlines and other procedures outlined in these Bylaws and defined by the City of Columbus have been followed, before a vote is taken.

E. Election Committee:
1. Membership shall consist of all members whose terms do not expire at time of election.
2. If six (6) or fewer candidates file petitions for vacancies created by expiration of terms, the election committee will decide if the expense of an election is justified.
3. The Election Committee shall present the rules of election to the Franklinton Area Commission for approval at the June FAC meeting. The decision of the election committee shall be final in deciding any election result that has been challenged.
4. Election Rules:
4a. The election shall take place at the Franklinton Library on the second Saturday of October. Voting hours shall be 10 AM to 5 PM. A voter registration sheet will be provided and signed by each voter.
4b. Petitions will be available at the Franklinton Library during July and August. Petitions will be due the Tuesday after Labor Day.
4c. A notice of the availability of petitions shall be published in the July Franklinton News and other Media. 4d. Candidates must be 18 or over and a current resident of Franklinton. 4e. Signers of the petitions must be age 18 or over, and a resident of Franklinton. 4f. 25 or more names on the petition must be valid for name of candidate to be put on the ballot.
4g. Voters must be age 18 or over, a resident of Franklinton and show proof of residency, if unknown to FAC Election Official at registration desk. 4h. Door to door voting, only if Election Committee approved volunteers are available.
4i. The decision of the Election Committee shall be final in deciding any election result that has been challenged.
4j. Challenges to the Election Committee decision may be referred to the City Attorney.

F. Community Services Committee Shall:
1. Review social, recreation, safety, and health services in the area and make recommendations concerning them.
2. Review employment and education opportunities for residents of the area and make recommendations concerning them.
3. Review consumer-business relations in the area and make recommendations concerning the same.

G. Finance Committee Shall:
1. The FAC Chair shall appoint a Finance Committee each year.
2. The Treasurer of the FAC will be the Chair of this Committee.
3. The Committee shall be responsible for the planning, monitoring, and
evaluation of the FAC funding and financial management.
4. The Committee shall recommend an annual budget for approval by the FAC at the January FAC meeting.
5. The Committee shall perform such other duties as may be required by the FAC.

Section 6

Additional committees may be established for specific purposes by a vote of a majority of the members present at any meeting.

Article IV – Control Over Actions of Members

Section 1 – Authorized Representation

No individual member of FAC shall take any action representing it to be an action of FAC or hold him/herself out as representing the FAC on any matter of policy or opinion unless that person is specifically authorized to do so by the FAC, the Code of Regulations, or a majority vote of the members present at a meeting of the FAC. Nothing in this action shall restrict or prohibit any member at any time from taking any action or making any representation as his or her won, regardless of its possible conflict with an action of FAC. Nothing in this section shall restrict or prohibit any FAC member from exercising any of the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Section 2 - Absences

A. If a Resident member has three or more absences from regularly scheduled FAC meetings in any calendar year (Beginning each year with the month of November), the Secretary shall bring said absences to the attention of the FAC at which time said member may be removed or retained by a majority vote.

B. If a non-Resident Member Organization has three or more absences from regularly scheduled FAC meetings in any calendar year (Beginning each year with the month of November), the Secretary shall bring said absences to the attention of the FAC at which time said organization may be removed or retained by a majority vote. An appointee or proxy may represent member Organizations.

Section 3 – Resignations

A. Members of the FAC may resign in the following manners:
1. Written resignation.
2. Verbal resignations followed by a non-attendance at the next scheduled meeting and no response to attempted contact by the Chair or Chair’s appointee.

Article VII – Amendments

These regulations may be amended at any regular meeting of the FAC by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the members, provided, however, that such amendment was submitted in writing and read at the previous meeting of the FAC.

Adopted January 10th, 2006
Carol J. Stewart, Chairperson, Franklinton Area Commission
Pauline Edwards, Vice-Chairperson, Franklinton Area Commission

Posted by captianfnw on 09/04/2006
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