If you are a "home haunter" who puts up a "monster" Halloween display, home or yard haunt and want others to know about it, here's your chance.
But lots of home haunters create their own graveyards, float ghosts in their yards and spin giant spider webs to show off their talents and interest in this annual spooky time of year. We want to find all the worthwhile haunt displays that are in the vicinity so others can view or visit them.
Use the calendar pages to list your display NOw!
Tell when, where (include a mapquest or other map with directions as a link) and what the exhibit consists of. Is it a drive-by, walk-through or are TOTs (trick or treaters) encouraged to visit on Halloween from anywhere? Post your Haunt's pictures with dark and daylight effects.
Email us
Monsterlist of Halloween Projects
Creep Crafters Group
Halloween Hauntings Group
Garage of Evil prop builders group