Garfield Park-New Horizon C.A.

Letter to anonymous posters (2)

Posted in: Bayview Manor II
Post (2 of 4) - Continued

Your posts are always anonymous, is that because if people in this community knew who you were then your true motivations would be plain to see? For myself, I find it hard to give credence to anybody who spouts spiteful messages and conspiracy theories from shadows. Stand out in the sun and show that your motivations are just and pure and not those of a spiteful coward with a less than noble agenda.

Speaking of conspiracy theories here is one of my own; I think that you really don?’t want to have honest, rational discussions that lead to workable solutions on these topics ?– or ANY topics for that matter. That would actually be counter productive to what I believe you hope to achieve, the permanent dissolution of the HOA. This is something you?’ve already called for in several of your posts. The only viable way to accomplish that would be to get as many people as possible so riled up that rational thought and productive debate go right out the window. In such a situation the current HOA would appear to be ineffectual, and could possibly be removed and replaced by a maintenance corporation of some type. That would be like killing two birds with one stone for you, getting rid of the HOA and getting a chance to stick it to some people that you obviously don?’t like.

Wouldn?’t that be fun? It would be just like the old days before the HOA for our community was put together, back when we actually had a maintenance corporation supposedly running things. I remember those times well, for two years the maintenance corporation basically did nothing at all, it ignored any and all the community complains and didn?’t enforce ANY of our deed restrictions. I don?’t know about you, but most of us paid extra money to live in a development with dead restrictions. We did this specifically so that we wouldn?’t have to put up with those inconsiderate people who like to do stupid things: such as paint their garage doors fuchsia, or keep commercial vans/trucks in their front yards, or put GARAGE sized sheds in their back yards! You know, the type of people who have absolutely no respect whatsoever for the people living right next door to them.

In looking though the posts I can across a few that I found to be absolutely reprehensible. Like the posts dealing with sewage bills, talk about blatant half-truths and spin-doctoring. Not to mention complete invasion of privacy! Tell me are YOUR bills paid up? ?… Oh wait since I don?’t know who you are I have no way of answering that?… pathetic.
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