Garfield Park-New Horizon C.A.

Letter to anonymous posters (3)

Posted in: Bayview Manor II
Post (3 of 4) - Continued

It?’s amazing the simple facts a person can find with 4 or 5 minutes of simple internet searching and/or a simple phone call?… of course that only applies when you are genuinely looking for the Truth. Like the fact that a substantial number, at least 25%, of people in our community had not paid their sewer bills as of the date of those original posts, myself included. Why you ask? Because we never got a bill, that?’s why! This was due to a screw-up at the real-estate lawyer?’s office. They forgot to pay the $175 new construction fee to New Castle County, which is how the county first finds out about a new home so that they can start the billing process. Since many of us used the same lawyer, they were recommended to us by Ryan homes, we ALL had the same issue. No penalties were applied to anyone because none of us homeowners were at fault. I don?’t know if the lawyers got in trouble or not ?– they probably got away with just a stern warning ?– they?’re a slippery bunch. Oh, just in case you missed it, that little sewer bill conspiracy theory yours just bit the dust.

Now let me move on to those interesting little accusations that the members of the HOA probably don?’t pay their yearly HOA fees and give themselves kickbacks, and that the HOA can put a lien on your house if you don?’t pay yours. What an absurd drivel! As a matter of fact I think I?’ll just come out and call this one a made up bold faced lie. Again with some quick checking, a simple phone call to New Castle County, I discovered that the HOA actually does not directly collect our yearly maintenance fees. It is New Castle County government that actually collects the fees, cashes the checks and then disburses the moneys to the HOA. The HOA produces a budget, that everyone in the community votes on, and then must keep receipts for how the money is spent. These receipts are kept so that New Castle County can make sure that no shady business is going on. In other words there is full government oversight. Also in the case of non-payment, the County puts the lien on your house ?– NOT the members of the HOA, and somehow I think that if we all refused to pay our bill, the County would have no problem putting liens on all our houses, after all it is the government. Hey, did you hear that? I think it was the sound of another conspiracy theory biting the dust.
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