TO VOLUNTEER OR NOT TO VOLUNTEER? That is the question, hopefully on your mind.
The HOA has openings on committee's that need to be filled. If you missed the annual meeting in October, you probably didn't get a chance to sign up for a committee. At the present time we have the Architectual Control, Planning, Landscaping, and Covents Committees. These committees are the back bone of the association, and the involvement of the homeowners is essential to our HOA success. They are where most of the issues and events of the community originate and are presented to the HOA Board for approval. If you would like to participate by serving or if that is difficult for you, and you would like to just help with special events or issues. Contact your Committee Coordinator, a HOA Board Member, or one of the committee members you are aquainted with. They will be happy to get things started for you and find a committee you are interested in serving on. We all want Georgetown Crossing to be a great place to live and raise our families.
Community Coordinator Dan Henderson
President Mike Horton