Georgetowne Neighborhood Watch

Door to Door (Verizon)

Posted in: Forest Hills Neighborhood Watch
Late last night at 9:35pm I got a knock on the door. My Fianc?©e and I were getting ready for bed when I heard the knocking. I went to my door and saw some sketchy kid starring at me. It was a door to door Verizon salesman trying to sale me a service that I already have. This is the second time this has happen to me. Both times I felt like it was some sort of scam and then to top it off they acted like they didn?’t believe that I already have the service. Another night I noticed a car parked on the shoulder side of the golf course a couple of houses down just sitting there. Some kid was just sitting on his hood talking on his cell. Come to find out he was also another door to door Verizon salesman just hanging out waiting for something.

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. Anything after dark is way too late to be walking around door to door trying to sale a service. I am going to call Verizon today and tell them this is unacceptable and if I get another knock on my door or see another Verizon salesman walking after dark in front of my house I will be cancelling the service. (This is a lie b/c I do love my TV and high speed internet and wouldn?’t cancel it).

Am I the only one this has happen too?

By Michael
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Hi Michael,

There is a little known City of Tampa ordinance against solicitation.. my response when someone knocks on my door is "you are soliciting, soliciting is against the law, the neighbors are watching you and i can guarantee you, someone will call the cops"  9 times out of 10.. they leave. I have zero tolerance for that crap.. especially that late at night.  I always call the police for solicitors.. (yes, even those bible thumping, religion preaching door knockers). You'd be surprised who's checking you, your stuff, and your neighbors out. They're not going to do it on my time.

  • Stock
  • randr
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that's not entirely true you have to have a permit which the city makes you pay for as long as you have the permit you can knock on anybody's door as long as you don't knock after 9 p.m.

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