Georgetowne Neighborhood Watch

yards made out of weeds

Posted in: AshleyWoods - Eagles Creek
We just moved in and our new yard needs serious work. We are aware and will fix the awful yard we just bought (house is awesome though). What I do not understand is how other homeowners are allowed to let the yards look like ?!#$. Are there not fines assessed--there should be. I am very disappointed in this association so far. They are dropping the ball and this neighborhood seems to be going down hill because people do not take pride in their property. There is no excuse for the way these yards look.
I am willing to hand out assessments on peoples door if that is what it will take to fix this problem. I do know a fungus went around this year but many of these yards are damaged far beyond that.
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  • jayc
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I agree.  There are many yards in this neighborhood that need a lot  of TLC.

The association needs to get on top of this issue before it gets worse.  Please, lets all do our part to make this a wonderful and beautiful neighborhood. 

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  • pstreicher
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Hello Jacksonville,

Keeping care of our yards I believe is a full-time job almost. I too like to have a well kept yard but have had problems in the past and currently that seem out of my control. I have tried the lawn care services but they all have failed me in one way or another. So, I do my best to do what I can to keep up the yard. Weeds seem to be a big problem for me.

I wonder if others are having a hard time like I am in keeping the weeds down. I'm afraid to spray anything for fear of killing the St. Augustine. I do have a large enough area now in the backyard full of weeds that I am going to start to experiment to see what will control my weed problem. Hopefully I will remember to report back her as to what I might find that works.

Another problem is not being able to put enough water down on the lawn. We are now on permanent restrictions of only one day a week now and have been for years. I don't see how we can keep our yards green year round under these restrictions unless we sneak in an extra day here and there. But, who wants to get fined for doing so?

I open this post for further discussion by any other neighbors.

Paul Streicher, a Bella Vista neighbor in Tampa, Florida

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  • gencornel
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My husband takes care of our yard himself.  The weeds, moles and ants are a problem but we get by.  right now we have one of those ugly areas right out front but we'll get that fixed this month.  He signed up with the scotts website.  they give product recommendations and advice based on our specific grass type, time of year and area.  Of course these are scotts products recommendations but it gives you a place to start with the lawn care.  There's even a reminder thing - who ever remembers to put winterize on the lawn?    I think on there they will tell you how to spray the weeds without totally killing your grass. 

One thing that seems to keep our grass health is that he doesn't cut it so low.  Most of it is around 2 or 3 inches which for St. Augustine helps protect the roots from the sun.

We also listen to the garden guy on WOKV.  he give some great advice on  how to take care of your yard.

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