Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out and return your fight back survey. Out of approximately 600 surveys, 176 were returned. Following is a list of the issues which were voted as the highest priory, in order of importance:
1. Speeding
2. Trash
3. Rental Properties
4. Cars in Yards
5. Inoperable Vehicles
6. Communication between Neighbors
7. Auto Theft
8. Lack of Recreation Facilities
9. Graffiti
10. Home Break-ins
11.Street Lights
12.Lack of Educational Programs
13. Street Conditions & Gangs
We will dedicate our upcoming monthly neighborhood meetings to working on Fight Back issues. Josie Romero, our Fight Back facilitator, will be helping us establish an action plan to prioritize our goals. If you have a particular issue or project that you would like to see accomplished, it is crucial that you become involved by attending these meetings.
Many of you also wrote specific comments/concerns about the neighborhood on your survey. Some of them were:
Irrigation: communication between neighbors, canals need to be cleaned/maintained.
Loud music/loud cars.
Cut-through traffic, speeding.
Stolen vehicles left in the neighborhood.
Drugs in the neighborhood.
Prostitutes in the neighborhood.
Police don?’t show up, are ineffective.
Rental properties not being maintained.
I-17 Trailer park: blight, trash, crime, bulk trash.
Neighborhood needs ?‘open?’ leadership.
Zoning/preservation enforcement.
Churches in our area are not maintaining properties.
I-17 frontage road needs to be maintained/cleaned.
Housing of sex-offenders: too many in our area.
Dogs: loose in the neighborhood, barking.
Transients/homeless, panhandlers.
Children playing in the street, curfew violations, no parental supervision.
No sidewalks.
Too many Halfway houses and housing projects.
This is a lot of information, but I thought it was important for everyone to get a good idea of the issues that have been presented. We won?’t be able to solve all of these problems, but we can start on some of them if we can get neighbors together and willing to help.