Glen Canyon Vista Neighborhood Association
General Meeting Minutes, Thursday, January 2, 2003, 7pm
Introductions: Meetings are the 1st Thursday of the month, 7pm at the Firestation.
Wall greens on 27th Avenue and Glendale
-Jeff Bailey of The Cornerstone Group I, Inc. spoke on behalf of Walgreen's, and discussed their plans for the construction of a new Wallgreens at the northeast corner of 27th Ave and Glendale. Many of the residents on 26th Drive were concerned about the increase in traffic, and had questions about the size of the store, the location of the perimeter wall, and further details. Mr. Bailey will keep us informed of the upcoming plans.
Yasha?’s Liquor License
-Rehearing scheduled for February 6, 2003 at 1:30pm. Yasha?’s lawyer, Mr. Lewkowitz, was contacted and asked why they would be appealing if the property was to be sold to Wallgreens. (Yasha?’s appeal was withdrawn 1-15-03)
Meeting With Frank Fairbanks, Manager of the City of Phoenix 12/13/02
-Keith Stoutenburg discussed I17 Corridor meeting with Frank Fairbanks. Several of our neighboring associations were present to discuss a list of neighborhood ?‘issues?’ that plague our area. I-17 Community Coalition activities are ongoing throughout spring.
Homestead Park (26th Avenue and Glendale)
-Nursery has been cleared out; construction is set to begin in November 2003. The park should be completed by the summer of 2004. Mr. Long was notified that our association would like to be involved in any opening ceremonies. Jeff Spellman discussed the possibility of applying for Heritage Fund grants to allow for further enhancements at the park. The deadline for Heritage Fund grants is the end of January.
6. Group Home/Sex Offender Update
-6 new sex offenders in the neighborhood. Fliers with photos were circulated. Total of 35 total sex offenders in our zip code.
-2 articles in the AZ Republic discussed the group housing issue. Jeff Spellman reported on his attendance at the study committee meeting that he attended on December 19, 2002. Jeff reported that it seemed hopeful that legislation would likely be introduced during this session that would require licensing of homes that house more than one sex offender.
Fight Back Update
-Action Plan was ratified on 12/26/02.
-Next Fight Back Meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 25th at 6:30pm at the Firestation Community Room.
Zoning Update
-Maria Uhing reported that she has many open cases. Inspection of the trailer park will begin by the end of January
9. Neighborhood Reports: Block Watch Captains and Co-Captains
Lane: Jeff Spellman reported that there have been a number of robberies on and around his street, including a theft at his very own property.
Orangewood: A few reports of abandoned vehicles. They were picked up promptly.
26th Drive: Continued problems with graffiti, ?‘For Sale?’ cars parked on the empty lot on Glendale & 26th Drive.
10. Open the Floor to Members