On Saturday January 22, 2005 a group of GERC hams will meet at the Pasadena City College Community Education Center (CEC) in East Pasadena to build their own copper J-pole antennas. Under the leadership of Andy Johnston, W6LDS, an first-class metal worker, these hams will be busy measuring, cutting, and sweat soldering lengths of copper pipe used in the construction of these unusual looking but very functional antennas. On hand also will be Mrs. Naomi Garcia, the electronics assembly instructor at CEC who will give demonstrations and instructions in the fine skill of soldering electronic components. Reservations are required to build antennas. Contact Mark Hayden, KF6DSA at 626-963-5085 for space availability.
The Community Education center is located at 3035 East Foothill Blvd. Take the Madre exit from the 210 freewway, turn north (go under the freeway to the left, proceed turn left on to Foothill. The CEC is located about 2 blocks west on the right side. Park in the student lot. (parking fee required)