Paul Hoskins, elected to the GTNA board in March of this year, is a many-faceted person who contributes not only valuable skills, but insights into The Big Picture. He believes that "the Golden Triangle is the heart of Denver and, as such, we must supply the spirit and hope for the future for the entire Denver metro area." This is the reason Paul and his wife moved here from Cherry Creek North. They live in Balustrade, where Joan runs here business, JVH Associates, doing policy research and grant writing.
Mr. Hoskins currently is employed as director of business operations at PSI Charter School and serves on their board. He was a cabinet officer under former Mayor Pena and has a diverse background in private and public sectors as well as extensive service with civic and community groups. These include the community advisory boards of both Univ. of Colorado at Denver and Junior League; Colorado Academy, trustee; Cherry Creek steering committee; and Columbia Health One ethics advisory committee. Paul is an active member of GTNA's good neighbor committee, is a soccer and rugby coach for youth teams, and has been the president of two homeowners associations. His wisdom is a great asset to the GTNA board.