Board Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2009
President Michelle Cline
Vice-President Brian Robb
Treasurer Julianne Bidinotto
Secretary Lea Ann Capel
Steve Lane, Member-at-Large
The meeting was called to order at 6:20 p.m. President Michelle Cline began by discussing Lot 14 and the expense involved in the maintenance of the lot. The sprinkler system is in need of repair, and the board members made the decision to have Chris Beck repair it. Further discussion involved seeking an appraisal for the property. At the Summer Meeting, approval was received by the HOA members to spend up to $500.00 for the appraisal. A motion was approved for Matt Cline to obtain the services of a local independent appraiser at an estimated cost of $300.00.
Discussion was also held regarding the Architectural Control Committee and the fact that Tammy Gill is currently the only HOA member serving on the committee. Michelle Cline stated that she would talk with other HOA members about serving on the ACC and also appoint a Chair for the ACC.
The parking along Grace Drive was a topic of discussion, and it was noted that the street parking had greatly improved.
Discussion was also held about decorating the front entrance; however, no decision was reached.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 p.m., by President Michelle Cline.