MAY 12, 2009
Andy and Julianne Bidinotto
Martha Carroll
Matt and Michelle Cline
Tammy Gill
Jeremy and Tracey Hankins
Randy and Malinda Hardcastle
Madeline Heitz
Sean Johnson
Steve and Renee Lane
Theresa Madsen
Fraser and Brooks Marshall
Gary Reetz and Sandi Farr
Brian and Krista Robb
Ann Rudeen
Larry Ruffin
Freddie Sandifer
Kristi Tefertiller
Len and Ronda Willis
The meeting was called to order by President Malinda Hardcastle at 7:08 p.m. It was determined that a quorum was present in attendance; in addition, seven valid proxy ballots were presented. A motion was raised and seconded to dismiss the reading of minutes from the last Annual Meeting. A review of HOA finances was given by Treasurer Len Willis.
ACC Chairperson Theresa Madsen presented an update on the neighborhood entrance/ Lot 1. The flower beds have recently been planted with summer annuals, and the west bed has been planted to match the east bed as much as possible. The HOA now has an electric meter independent from Lot 1 and a fully functioning sprinkler system for the front entrance. The HOA received $100 credit from TXU for disturbance of electric service, and two checks ($75 and $65) from the Lot 1 builder to help defray costs.
Vice-President Brian Robb reported that Lot 14 was surveyed in April to determine boundaries, and summarized the letter from City of North Richland Hills Public Works Department. A pond/water feature which spans the boundary of Lots 14 and 15 as well as several trees and shrubs encroach on an existing water line easement. The City does not currently have plans to perform work in this location; however, the City reserves the right to interrupt landscaping if maintenance or repair work is indicated. A discussion followed about independent improvements to Lot 14, in particular, the addition of two trees by the owners of Lot 15. Tammy Gill responded that the trees were planted to replace ones that died in 2008, and that landscape improvements made by she and her husband are donations to the HOA. President Malinda Hardcastle emphasized to all that future improvements to Lot 14, even donations, must have prior approval by the ACC and Board. Several homeowners commented on the danger of an unprotected water feature which is partially on HOA property; Len Willis reported that the HOA currently carries no liability insurance. The issue was tabled until a future meeting.
President Malinda Hardcastle outlined the proposed amendments to the DRCC. At the conclusion of a discussion period, a vote was taken. Amendment #1, which addresses landscape improvements to the area between the entrance screening wall and Kirk Lane, passed by a vote of 19 ?“for?” to two ?“against?” with four homeowners abstaining. Amendment #2, which concerns allotting funds to planned HOA social functions, passed by a vote of 20 ?“for?” to five ?“against?” with five homeowners abstaining.
Krista Robb presented an outline of upcoming social events for the neighborhood, as follows:
June 6 Wine Tasting Party at Robb?’s home
July 4 Swim Party at Lane?’s home
Sept ? Second Annual End-of-Summer Block Party
Oct 6 Neighborhood Night Out
Oct 31 Halloween Party?
Dec 12 Second Annual Christmas Party/ Santa Express Gift Collection
President Malinda Hardcastle announced the nominees for HOA Executive Board: Michelle Cline, President; Julianne Bidinotto, Treasurer; Secretary vacant. Julianne Bidinotto verbally withdrew her nomination. Larry Ruffin and Tammy Gill stated that they discovered an inconsistency between the DRCC and the Bylaws regarding HOA officers. The DRCC as written provides for no less than three or more than four members, whereas the Bylaws provide for five officers. After a brief discussion, it was decided that the membership would vote to fill the office of President; the issue of amending either the DRCC or the Bylaws will be decided at a future meeting. Michelle Cline was approved as President by majority vote.
President Michelle Cline stated her goals for the HOA, specifically to work toward improved relations between homeowners, increased participation in HOA government, and beautification of the neighborhood. Foremost, there is currently a need for volunteer(s) on the Architectural Control Committee. The Board will seek to discuss issues regarding Lot 14 with the owners of the two adjacent properties in the near future. Andy Bidinotto volunteered to organize events for the neighborhood men, such as golf outings, etc.
Attendees agreed to postpone filing of the DRCC Amendments until a decision is made regarding an amendment for the election of Officers. The meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. by President Michelle Cline.