Board Meeting Minutes
March, 3, 2010
President Michelle Cline
Vice-President Brian Robb
Treasurer Julianne Bidinotto
Secretary Lea Ann Capel
Steve Lane, Member-at-Large
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m., by President Michelle Cline. The first order of business was the current landscaping contract with Chris Beck. Discussion was held regarding the money being spent on the landscaping and how the ACC is opening up the contract bid to other vendors since Mr. Beck?’s contract is up for renewal in March. Michelle stated that she would send an email to the ACC to ensure that all quotes for landscape contracts are sent to the Board for approval. She further stated that she would let them know that only the Board President and the Vice-President have the authority to execute contracts.
The next discussion focused on Lot 14. Michelle stated that no realtor is to be hired. The Board made a decision to make an offer to sell Lot 14 to the Hardcastle family and the Gill family for $15,000. The buyers would be responsible for all closing costs, sprinkler system, and any other fees associated with the transaction. The HOA would retain the mineral rights. If there is an interest, it will need to be voted on by the homeowners at either the annual May meeting or a special meeting.
The decision was made to hold the Annual Meeting on May 8, 2010. The time would be from 5:00 until 10:00 with a covered dish dinner to be served. The location is yet to be determined.
Julianne presented the 2009 tax returns for review. The HOA broke even on the taxes. Forms were completed to change the HOA Registered Agent to Michelle Cline.
The meeting was dismissed at 7:30 p.m.